Housing Questionnaire


Southern Virginia University students who live in University Housing earn better grades, have fewer conduct issues, and are more engaged with campus life. To help students be as safe and successful as possible and to acclimate to college life, our Housing Policy requires all incoming students to live in University Housing unless they qualify for a housing exception.

To optimize your experience in University Housing, we ask that all applicants complete the following 15-minute questionnaire. The information you provide will help us assign your residence hall and/or roommate.

Our housing staff is available throughout the semester to help resolve any concerns regarding your housing assignment or roommate(s).

Personal Information

(The best phone number to reach you during the summer if there are any questions about housing applications)

Disability Accommodations Some students’ circumstances—physical, medical, psychological, etc.— may impact their residential living experience. Please note that answers to the below questions are not a request for accommodations. To request accommodations, please follow the Steps to Receive Academic & Housing Accommodations.
Housing Preferences

How many roomates would you prefer? (Rank the options in order of preference)

There are a limited number of in-room bathrooms. In Robey Hall and Craton Hall bathrooms are located on halls and not in residential rooms.

What is your preferred housing residence? If that housing option is unavailable, what are your second and third preferences?

Roommate Preferences

All applicants must request each other to be considered a match.  We will do our best to accommodate requests of multiple preferred roomates, but please note that triple and quadruple rooms are limited in availability and cannot be guaranteed.

Please include full name (first and last)

Only needed if requesting a triple, triples are not guaranteed and limited in availability

Only needed if requesting a quadruple.
Please answer the following questions to help us gauge roommate compatibility.

As we match roommates according to interests, please indicate your order of preference. (1-Most Important, 5-Least Important). - Cleanliness - Sleep Preferences - Similar Academic Interest - Sports Team/Fine Arts - Room Atmosphere