Arts for Learning After School Registration 2024-2025

Welcome to the DC Public Schools Registration Page for the Arts for Learning After School program, a FREE Elementary/Middle after school learning program!  The program is being operated by Arts for Learning and is offered to students CURRENTLY in grades 3rd-5th and attending the schools listed below. Schools grade levels served varies based on site. Students must be enrolled Students must also be up-to-date on their immunizations.

NOTE: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and registration is first come, first served. The program fills up quickly, so apply today!

For more information about the program click here.

Student Information

Child's Medical Information

Student's Transportation Plan

Program Commitment

This question is specific to planned absences like vacations. If a student is sick they are strongly encouraged to stay home.

Parent/Guardian #1 Contact Information

Parent/Guardian #2 Contact Information

Parent / Guardian 2 Address

Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact #1

At least one emergency contact is required. This person must be different from the parent/guardian listed on the previous page.

Emergency Contact #2

Consent Form
I am the Parent/Guardian of
a minor child (the “Student”). Arts for Learning Maryland. (“Arts for Learning”) is the operator of DC Public Schools Summer Arts for Learning Academy (“SALA”).

By checking the CONSENT box below and signing this document, I agree and consent to all of the following terms and conditions:

1. I give permission to DCPS nurses and the staff in the Arts for Learning After School Program to administer basic first aid and/or CPR to my child and/or take the Student to a hospital to secure medical treatment when I cannot be reached, or when delay would be dangerous to my child's health. I also give permission to staff to administer medication in the event that a nurse is not available to do so.

2. I certify my understanding that I will receive policies and procedures and related information about Arts for Learning After School. Upon enrollment of my child in Arts for Learning After School, I agree to follow the policies and procedures described.

3. I give Arts for Learning Maryland, Inc. (“Arts for Learning”) permission to access and keep copies of my child's/children's academic record(s), including report cards, IEP's, standardized test scores and cumulative records. Arts for Learning will keep these data confidential and use them only for analysis and program planning. I understand that Arts for Learning may share data collected during the program, including attendance, demographics, and academic outcomes, with program funders and sponsoring organizations; however, any information shared will not specifically identify program participants. 4. I give DC Public Schools and Arts for Learning permission to contact me (using telephone, email, mail, SMS text message, or robo-call via telephone) using the contact information I provided about the status of enrollment, my child's attendance, upcoming events and programs, schedule changes and program updates.

5. I certify my understanding that I will be given a Field Trip Permission Form to authorize my child's participation in any field trip or other off-site activity planned by the program and that alternate care will not be provided should I choose not to grant such permission for the Student’s participation. Additionally, I acknowledge that the Student’s participation in Field Trips is at the sole discretion of the Arts for Learning Team.

6. I release Arts for Learning as an organization, as well as its employees, contractors, volunteers, and agents (collectively, the “Arts for Learning Team”) from any liability suit or claim for property damage or loss, or personal injury to the Student, except to the extent such claims arise directly from the gross negligence of, Arts for Learning and/or the Arts for Learning Team. 7. Arts for Learning takes great care in capturing thoughtful, high-quality images of students’ incredible artwork, their pride, excitement, determination, friendship, and joy. I give permission for the Student to be included in the documentation/promotion of Arts for Learning and its partners, including photographs, audio/visual/video recordings, interviews, reproductions of academic and artistic work, participation in surveys, and written quotations or descriptions of activities. I also understand that resulting materials may be exhibited before the community, fundraising, or other groups and individuals and/or included in media articles, partner publications, and SALA funder promotional materials.   

8. I certify that the Student will attend every day of the program except in the event of an emergency. I acknowledge that students who miss multiple days with no notice or exceeds 7 of the program may be removed so that their spot can be given to another student.

9.  I certify that the entered information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

By signing below, I represent and certify that I am the parent or guardian of the Student, at least eighteen (18) years of age, and fully competent and authorized to sign this Consent and Release.