Inspired Teacher Grant Program



The 2024-25 Inspired Teacher Grant Program presents an opportunity for Orange County public school teachers to seek funding for projects, field trips, tools, materials or ideas that will present an enrichment opportunity for their students & enhance the educational experience of their classroom, department, or school. 

Proposal Deadline: October 11, 2024 at 5:00pm PT 

Who can apply:

  • All credentialed K-12 public school teachers currently teaching in a school in Orange County 


  • Awards will be provided:

    • Up to $1,000 per class project

    • Up to $5,000 per grade level or dept project

    • Up to $10,000 per school project

  • Grant must be utilized by the end of the 2024-25 school year

  • Limit of one grant request per teacher

  • Consideration given to:

    • Number of students impacted by grant request

    • Socio-economic status of school and students

All Requests

Grants may fund: 

  • Materials, supplies and/or curricula directly related to the project

  • Assemblies, speakers and curriculum-related student field trips

  • New or expanded projects that create memorable learning experiences

  • Creative cross-curricular projects that excite students and teachers

  • Programs in any subject area that directly support student learning objectives

  • Projects may serve a classroom, department, school 

Preference is given to:
  • Classroom projects

  • Field trips with ongoing, in classroom connections 

Grants may not fund: 

  • Non-academic costs, such as indirect costs, grant administration fees, or salaries, facility improvements, building, and maintenance expenses

  • Prizes, incentives

  • Reimbursements for purchases made prior to the grant award

  • Post-high school programs

High School STEM Requests

This year, the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation is partnering with the Inspired Teacher Grant program to provide funding for High School STEM requests. 

High School STEM grants may be used to:

  • Purchase and implement new STEM curriculum materials and supplies for project-based learning activities

  • Purchase scientific equipment that supports capacity building or facilitates program sustainability

  • Arrange for students to visit a local science-focused presentation, workshop, exhibit, or field site to deepen students' understanding of STEM concepts and interact with experts (includes providing for substitute teacher(s), buses, lunches, admission fees)

  • Develop and implement a project that supports collaborative and experiential learning leading to mastery of essential academic STEM content

  • Bring in a STEM expert from local industry, college/university academia, medicine, or government to build students' awareness of science careers and opportunities

  • Enable students to engage in a STEM learning experience connected to a real-world issue/challenge that enhances students' critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and communication and collaboration skills 

  • Grant funds can be used for resource materials, supplies, equipment for a science lab, or transportation. (For materials, applications must indicate how the materials play a central role in deepening high school students' STEM knowledge)

  • At this time,  STEM proposals focused solely on funding requests for electronics such as laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, or other devices are not accepted

Grant Application

Teacher Information

Principal Information

School Information

Grant Request Information

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