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JDC Entwine & Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan Adaptations

Access Jewish Hungary: An Inclusive Jewish Journey 

For more information about trip highlights please refer to the webpage.

Trip Dates: September 16, 2024 - September 24, 2024
Application Deadline: rolling until July 16, 2024
Participation Fee:
  • $6100 including international group flight between New York & Budapest (available to Adaptations participants)
  • $5100 not including international flights
  • significant subsidies are available for all participants who qualify and will be discussed during the interview process.

Application support

At Entwine, we seek to represent, celebrate, and elevate the diversity of the Jewish community in our programs. We recognize that it is not possible for an application to capture all of who you are and what you represent. This application will help us get to know you!

  • If you are an Adaptations member who requires assistance filling out the fields and essay questions in the form, please contact Michelle Wexler at MMJCCM Adaptations.  
  • Should you encounter any technical issues in completing this application, please contact Raya Benus.

Once the application is complete, please expect an email from JDC Entwine to schedule a 20 minute virtual interview. Applicants based in New York may have the option of an in person interview. More information will be shared in the follow up email.

Contact Information

This way we can address you respectfully in conversation and communication.

This way we can address you respectfully in conversation and communication.

Entwine programs are geared towards young adults in their 20’s and 30’s

We love social media! Please add your Instagram handle.

Examples of past experience are: Insider trips, JSC, Multi-week, Global Seminar

If it is more accessible for you to submit your responses via video please choose that option.

Please select Partner Organization and specify Adaptations if applicable

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Written Answer - About You

If you are selected to participate on a trip, this bio will be shared with the group

Video - About You
Please answer the following four questions keeping each response to around 150 words. Videos should be uploaded as a link. Video should not exceed 5 minutes.
  1. Share a one paragraph bio about yourself. Include information about your background, education and employment, volunteer activities, and hobbies. Note any past involvements with Entwine and adaptations, if applicable. (150 word max) 
  2. What motivated you to apply for an Entwine experience? What is it about this trip that appeals to you the most? (150 word max) 
  3. Describe a travel experience that had an impact on you. (This could be individual or group travel, domestic or international, recent or in the past) (150 word max)
  4. On Entwine programs, we explore the values that drive JDC's work around the world, such as mutual responsibility and hospitality. What are 2-3 values that are important in your life and why? (150 word max) 

Written Answer - Past Participant Questions

If you are selected to participate on a trip, this bio will be shared with the group

Video - Past Participant Questions
Please answer the following three questions keeping each response to around 150 words. Videos should be uploaded as a link. Video should not exceed 5 minutes.
    1. Share a one paragraph bio about yourself. Include information about your background, education and employment, volunteer activities, and hobbies. Note any past involvements with Entwine and Adaptations, if applicable. (150 word max) 
    2. Tell us about some highlights and challenges from your last Entwine trip.  (150 word max) 
    3. How did you bring your last Entwine experience home with you? (150 word max) 

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    About You

    We are asking the following questions about gender and gender identity as Entwine's programs seek to represent the full mosaic and diversity of the Jewish communityJDC Entwine does not discriminate based on your responses.  For clarity on particular terms related to gender identity, please visit this glossary.

    The options below are listed alphabetically and you can multiselect, self-identify, or select 'prefer not to answer. 

    Cis: anyone who knows themselves to be the gender they were assigned at birth; Trans: anyone who knows themselves to be a gender that is different from the gender they were assigned at birth

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    About You
    We are asking you the following questions about race, ethnicity, accessibility, and your relationship to Judaism as Entwine's programs seek to represent the full mosaic and diversity of the Jewish communityJDC Entwine does not discriminate based on your responses, and your answers in this section will not impact whether you are selected for this program.

    options below are listed alphabetically and you can multiselect, self-identify, or select 'prefer not to answer.

    These terms refer to ancestry from... Ashkenazi: Europe or former Soviet Union | Indian: Bnei Israel or Bagdadi | Jewtina/o: Latin America | Mizrahi: Middle East & North Africa | Persian: Iran | Sephardi: Iberian Peninsula | Russian Speaking Jew: at least one parent who was born in the former Soviet Union

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    Entwine strives to create an inclusive environment for all of our participants. Indicating the details below helps us better understand what your needs are and any accommodations that individuals require to meaningfully take part in this trip. Responses to these questions will not determine your acceptance.

    Please reach out to Raya Benus to learn more about whether your accessibility needs can be met.

    Terms for Enrollment

    If you test positive on this trip, you will be required to self isolate in Budapest and are financially responsible for any additional costs associated.