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jjdpa combined image

Overview: Youth Justice Action Month (YJAM) is an annual campaign where advocates come together to organize digital and in-person events and activities to raise awareness and inspire action on behalf of young people impacted by the justice system. The Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ), National Youth Justice Network (NYJN) partner annually to support youth justice advocates, state advisory groups, youth-serving organizations, and young leaders across the country in planning and implementing YJAM activities. In honor and in celebration of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) 50th anniversary, and with support from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, CJJ and NYJN are pleased to announce the availability of funds to support 2024 YJAM campaigns, events, and activities.

Eligible entities: Any private, public, government-based, community-based, or non-profit organization, institution, or coalition is eligible to apply. For profit organizations may apply but may not include profit in the application. All applications must demonstrate how young people with lived experience are partners or leaders in the planning and implementation of the project.

Awards: The Coalition for Juvenile Justice expects to make up to 100 awards. Award amounts will range from $1,000 to $5,000 in amount.

Application: Applications must be submitted using the following application form: https://www.tfaforms.com/5119060. Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will be considered for award.  

Deadline: Proposals must be submitted via the online application portal by 11:59 PM EST on June 10, 2024. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered. Early submission is encouraged.

Project Period: Project implementation is expected to occur between August 1, 2024 and November 30, 2024. Selected grantees will receive technical assistance and support from CJJ and NYJN throughout the award period.

Notifications: CJJ and NYJN expect to make award decisions by mid-July 2024. All applicants will be notified in writing of the decision.

Any questions should be submitted to leon@nyjn.org with the subject line RE: 2024 YJAM Mini Grants Proposal Question(s).

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Please use the links below to upload any additional documents.

General Disclaimers

*Submission of an application does not guarantee funding.

*All complete applications will be reviewed and scored by a neutral panel of reviewers.

* CJJ and NYJN reserve the right to make changes to this application, based on any clarifications in the regulations, legislative changes, or requirements from the funding source.

* CJJ and NYJN reserve the right to accept or reject any or all applications. 

* CJJ and NYJN reserve the right to issue addenda or amendments or rescind this request for applications. 

* CJJ and NYJN shall not be liable for any costs incurred in the preparation of applications in response to this request for applications. Applicants agree that all costs incurred in developing the application are the applicants’ sole responsibility. 

* CJJ and NYJN may conduct pre-award inquiries or interviews to verify or clarify information submitted in the application.

*CJJ and NYJN may require applicants to submit additional details, negotiate budget details, or provide revisions of their proposals that result from pre-award negotiations.

* If there are any conflicts between the request for application and any Federal or relevant state law or regulation, or any ambiguity related thereby, then the provisions of the applicable law or regulation shall control, and it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance.

* This funding opportunity is made available under a Cooperative Agreement between Coalition for Juvenile Justice and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, under award number 15PJDP-23-GK-05303-TITL. The contents of this notice and any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice. 

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Applicant Information: 

Preference will be given to projects that demonstrate that their community is disproportionately impacted by the youth justice system, that involve youth and families, and/or that include providers that feature culturally specific programming. 

*Note: SAM.gov registration is not a requirement to receive an award, but selected applicants will need to obtain a UEI# to receive funding. Obtaining or sharing a current UEI # will be required at the time of award. 

Additional resources about obtaining a UEI# are available here: Entity Registration in SAM.gov: https://www.fsd.gov/gsafsd_sp?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0060383

Information an entity needs to apply for a UEI: https://www.fsd.gov/gsafsd_sp?id=gsafsd_kb_articles&sys_id=60a3679a1bd9f1103565ed3ce54bcb31

Youth Justice Action Month (YJAM) is a time for public education and awareness events, including but not limited to art exhibits, spoken word performances, community listening sessions, community education and outreach activities, in-person or virtual panels, etc.

These events may explore delinquency prevention or diversion efforts, showcase local youth justice programs, elevate the voices of youth and families with lived expertise, educate participants on the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA), and/or promote ways advocates can get involved in further efforts to improve the youth legal system.  This year is particularly special since it is the 50th Anniversary of the JJDPA and the creation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP).  All proposed events should occur between 08/01/24 and 11/30/24.  To be considered for funding, applicants must complete the following information as part of their application.

B. Who are the project partners? List your community partnerships for this project and their expected roles (You may or may not have partners.):

Organization Roles/Key Responsibilites
Partner #1
Partner #2
Partner #3
Partner #4
Partner #5

H. Timeline: Please upload a brief timeline with the key tasks and project completion date. While October is Youth Justice Action Month, you event or activity may begin and/or end in September or November. You can use the template provided (make a copy and input your information) or upload your own.

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Project Budget:

Applicants must upload a budget that includes both numerical requests and narrative justification for the requested project expenses. Requested items must be aligned with the proposal described above. The project budget template can be downloaded here (make a copy and complete). Applicants may use their own templates, but use of the provided template is highly encouraged. 

The following includes a list of generally allowable and non-allowable expenses. This list is not exhaustive.

Allowable Expenses

Unallowable Expenses

  1. Event space rental or permit fees

(1) Food or beverages

  1. Supplies and materials

(2) Alcohol

  1. Print or signage costs

(3) Honorariums 

  1. Stipends for youth partners

(4) Supplanted costs (e.g., items already budgeted for or funded by other state, local, or private funds)

  1. Technology rentals (e.g., lighting or sound equipment)

(5) Entertainment costs

  1. Table, chair, linen or tablecloth expenses

(6) Fundraising costs

  1. Travel expenses for project partners or facilitators (may include: flight, hotel, per diem, and/or ground transportation)

(7) Lobbying activities

  1. Indirect costs (in accordance with a current Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate/NICRA or at the 10% de minimus rate)

(8) Unreasonable travel costs (e.g., first class ticket)

A quick guide to allowable and unallowable costs can be found here: https://www.ojp.gov/fmvs/allowable-vs-unallowable-costs.pdf.  

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Please use the links below to upload any additional or supplemental materials.