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2024 NAWA Board Commitment Form:
As a NAWA Board Member, I agree to the following:

  • Attend at least 8 of the 10 Board meetings each year;
  • Attend the annual Board Retreat;
  • Attend and participate in a leadership level at the annual WA State Nonprofit Conference;
  • Join at least one Board committee;
  • Maintain current NAWA membership for my organization or as an individual;
  • Distribute communication about NAWA trainings, event, reports, membership and member benefits to your networks;
  • Participate and support in membership recruitment and fundraising initiatives in a way that is comfortable and authentic for me;
  • Make a personally significant financial contribution;
  • Abide by the three duties of Board members: care, loyalty, responsibility.

Entering my name serves as an electronic signature and agreement to the above.