STMicroelectronics Lab-in-Fab Access Contest

Submission Deadline is Monday, June 3, 2024
Submitter Information

Written Application

Content Recommended for Written Application – Slide Deck/PDF

- Executive summary – 1 slide

- Team details and brief company history, location, incorporation – 1 slide

- Problem statement – 1 slide

- Technology description – 1 slide

- Status of technology development  2 slides

- Market potential – 1 slide

- Target market description and characteristics of the key competitive advantages – 2 slides

- Solution outline / End application and technology – 3 slides

- Funding history and future funding requirements – 1 slide

Pitch Video
Pitch Video Instructions:

No longer than 5-minute video recording of your company’s elevator pitch

- Who are you and what is your startup idea? 
- What is the problem your solution addresses?
- Why do you feel your business has the greatest chance of commercial success?
- Specific MEMS structure / innovation.
By submitting this application, I understand that this information will be shared with both ST and Silicon Catalyst personnel. 

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