Healing Circles Fundamentals Registration
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Access training materials
After you register, you'll
receive an email message prompting you to create a password. Your email address and that password will give you access to all your training materials on the
Healing Circles Training
Your username is your email address.
Healing Circles Experience
How did you hear about healing circles training?
What draws you to healing circles practice?
Please describe any experience you've had with the circle format.
In what context do you plan to apply healing circles practices?
(If you're in an organizational setting, what organization?)
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Pay here
Enrollment fee (USD) $
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Discount code
The code is case sensitive, and needs to be entered exactly as provided with no additional characters or spaces.
Discount %
Total Fee Due $
Payment method
Credit/Debit card
Payment Information
Full name on card
Cardholder's mailing address
Cardholder's city
Cardholder's state
Cardholder's Zip/Postal code
Credit/Debit card number
Month (##)
Year (##)
CVC (###)
I've read and agree to uphold the
healing circles agreements
I've read and agree to uphold the
for participating in healing circles .
I've read and agree to uphold the Healing Circles Fundamentals
user agreement
I've read and agree to the Healing Circles Global
privacy policy
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