Find out if your lungs are at risk

Hard Hat

How would you best describe your current work or workplace?

Paper - Date CalanderHow long have you been working in your current industry?

Hazards - Dust

In your current workplace, which of these have you been in contact with?

Technology - Information

How long are you in contact with these during a typical work shift?

Medical - MaskWhat control measures does your current workplace use to reduce or manage your exposure to lung health hazards?

Hierarchy of Controls
Medical - X-Ray chest, CT Scan, Radiotherapy, HRCT

In your current role, have you ever participated in ongoing health monitoring?

Health monitoring: A requirement under Work Health and Safety laws for at-risk workers in certain industries. Health monitoring (referred to as health surveillance in WA) involves regular health checks with a health professional to monitor and protect workers’ health because of their exposure to hazardous agents in the workplace. This may not apply to your industry or current role. This is different to one off pre-employment health assessment.
Do you have any of the following symptoms?

LungAre your symptoms the same, better, or worse on your days off work?
Outline of two people talking

Have you spoken to your doctor about your workplace and the lung health hazards you are exposed to?

The following questions are about you:

What is your smoking and vaping status?

Paper - Clipboard Pen PencilLastly, would you like to receive a summary report of your results to take to your doctor?

Exposure to hazardous agents in the workplace can affect your health now and in the future. It's important to discuss your workplace exposure with your doctor - even if you are not currently experiencing any symptoms.

Please enter your details to receive an email summary or your results to take to your doctor. 

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