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JDC Entwine Insider Trip Application Fall 2024

Inside Israel 2024
Trip Dates: November 11-18, 2024
Participation Fee: $750 for 5 days, $1,000 for 7 days (final 2 days are optional for those who wish to extend)
*Please note that this program is only open to those who have visited Israel before. 

Inside Rwanda 2024
Trip Dates: November 18-25, 2024
Participation Fee: $1,500

Inside Jewish United Arab Emirates 2024

Trip Dates: December 3-9, 2024
Participation Fee: $1,750

At Entwine, we seek to represent, celebrate, and elevate the diversity of the Jewish community in our programs. We recognize that it is not possible for an application to capture all of who you are and what you represent. This application will help us get to know you!

Should you have any issues completing this application, please contact: SaraRa@jdc.org

Application Deadline: July 14, 2024

Trip Selection

Additional Info and Questions for Israel Applicants

Our carefully crafted itinerary offers a structured experience, designed to ensure your comfort and well-being throughout. Over the course of 5 days, engage in immersive activities, guided tours, and meaningful discussions. For those desiring additional exploration, you can opt into 2 additional days of enrichment. Whether through volunteer opportunities, extended tours, extra free time, or reflection, these days offer a chance for deep and continued engagement.


To accommodate individual preferences, we offer the choice of either a 5-day or 7-day experience. We kindly ask you to decide when applying if you'd prefer the 5 or 7 day experience so that we can organize logistics accordingly.


While the itinerary is provided in advance, we remain vigilant to the evolving situation in Israel. Flexibility is key, with potential adjustments made up to one month prior to departure due to the dynamic situation in Israel and according to JDC's response to security considerations and organizational operations. 

This way we can address you respectfully in conversation and communication.

This way we can address you respectfully in conversation and communication.

Entwine programs are geared towards young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s
Please follow the below conventions to make sure your address is submitted properly.

If you are in a dorm, please input your street address in Line 1, and building information (name and unit number) in Line 2; example below:
  • 1600 Campus Rd (Line 1)
    Stewie Hall, #2 (Line 2)
    Los Angeles, CA 90041

Physical street address (incl. address of Post Office if PO box)

Apt #/PO Box #/Building name and #

We love social media! Please add your Instagram handle.

examples are: Insider trips, JSC, Multi-week, Global Seminar

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About You

If you are selected to participate on a trip, this bio will be shared with the group

Past Participant Questions

If you are selected to participate on a trip, this bio will be shared with the group

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About You

We are asking the following questions about gender and gender identity as Entwine's programs seek to represent the full mosaic and diversity of the Jewish communityJDC Entwine does not discriminate based on your responses.  For clarity on particular terms related to gender identity, please visit this glossary.

The options below are listed alphabetically and you can multiselect, self-identify, or select 'prefer not to answer. 

Cis: anyone who knows themselves to be the gender they were assigned at birth; Trans: anyone who knows themselves to be a gender that is different from the gender they were assigned at birth

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About You
We are asking you the following questions about race, ethnicity, and your relationship to Judaism as Entwine's programs seek to represent the full mosaic and diversity of the Jewish communityJDC Entwine does not discriminate based on your responses.  

options below are listed alphabetically and you can multiselect, self-identify, or select 'prefer not to answer.

These terms refer to ancestry from... Ashkenazi: Europe or former Soviet Union | Indian: Bnei Israel or Bagdadi | Jewtina/o: Latin America | Mizrahi: Middle East & North Africa | Persian: Iran | Sephardi: Iberian Peninsula | Russian Speaking Jew: at least one parent who was born in the former Soviet Union

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Entwine strives to create an inclusive environment for all of our participants. Indicating the details below will ensure that you are best supported by our staff and that we can have open conversations about what support looks like in a given trip location. This in no way impacts your ability to participate, rather it helps us to better understand your needs as we prepare for the trip. 

Terms for Enrollment