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2022-06-20 USRF College Scholarship Logo Final Rev03
Instructions Summary and Instructions Link

The USRF College Scholarship Committee recommends that the Applicant review the helpful instructions prior to filling out the Application Form.  Go to the following link:  USRF College Scholarship Application Instructions

Saving the Application:  The USRF College Scholarship Committee recommends saving the form as the Applicant progresses (save button located at the top of any page of the Application form).  In addition,  the Committee  recommends that the Applicant assemble the answers to the questions (particularly the paragraph and tax questions) in an electronic document (Word, etc.) which the Applicant keeps on the Applicant’s computer or in the Cloud. This action will save frustration and time, if there is an inadvertent loss of the Application.

Scholarship Applicant:  Basic Information
Scholarships to be applied for with this Application
The Applicant may apply for one or more (or all) of the Scholarships shown below for which the Applicant meets the eligibility requirements shown in the Instructions that are on the US Rugby Foundation web site.

Note:  The last 4 scholarships in the list below are only for students attending Western Washington University (WWU).  Do not apply for these 4 scholarships if you are not attending or planning to attend WWU.

Check the checkbox next to the Scholarship for all of the Scholarships for which the Applicant wishes to be considered.
2024-05-14 USRF Scholarship Universal Compare Matrix (Benson) Rev0
2024-05-14 USRF Scholarship WWU Compare Matrix (Benson) Rev02

Enter the phone number with dashes. If the number is outside the USA enter the entire number with the Country code.

Enter the phone number with dashes. If the number is outside the USA enter the entire number with the Country code.

The State field requires a 2 Letter abbreviation. i.e. CA, TX, etc

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Definition: A Dependent Applicant is an Applicant claimed as a dependent on his/her parent’s Federal Income Taxes for the previous year.

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Provide any comments and explanations (especially outliers) that would be useful to the Scholarship Application evaluators.

If "Yes", Answer the questions below about the High School 01 Team name and Coach. If not "Yes", the questions will not appear.

If "Yes", Answer the questions below about the High Club Team name and Coach. If not "Yes", the questions will not appear.

If Applicable, the Applicant should List other High Schools and other Rugby Clubs with Names, dates, and Coach contact information (cell phone, email address). Designate the additional High Schools and Clubs as High School 02, High School 03, etc. and HS Club 02, HS Club 03, etc.
Applicant History (Rugby and Other), Goals (Rugby and Other), Personal Statement

The Applicant should provide a short history of his/her involvement with Rugby. This section should include at least the following: When and why did the Applicant start playing rugby (include youth rugby)? What influenced the Applicant"s decision? With what teams did the Applicant play? What positions? Was the Applicant captain (Teams, Years)? What All Star, Regional or USA National Age Grade teams? Team accomplishments? Individual accomplishments? Max 3,000 Characters.

The Applicant should provide a short history of Applicant's other Sports, Activities, Church, Scouts, Family, etc: What sports did the Applicant play? (Include Years, Leadership positions, Team accomplishments? Individual accomplishments? In what other activities was the Applicant involved (Include years, Leadership positions, Awards, Accomplishments, etc.) Max 3,000 Characters.

The Applicant should provide a short statement about the Role that Rugby has played in the Applicant's life to date and why this scholarship is important to the Applicant and why the Applicant is deserving. Max 3,000 Characters.

The Applicant should provide a short statement of the Applicant's Goals for the Applicant's rugby career. Include Aspirations for College, Rugby beyond College, Coaching, Refereeing, Administration, etc. Max 3,000 Characters.

The Applicant should provide a short statement of the Applicant's Goals for career outside of Rugby. Include College and Post Graduate Goals, Career work plans, Family plans, Philanthropy and Service plans, Other Non-work related Goals and plans. Max 3,000 Characters.

The Applicant should provide a personal statement as to why the Applicant should receive this USRF College Scholarship. Max 3,000 Characters.

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College / University Information
For brevity, after the first question, this College / University Information Section will only use the singular term "College" for questions that refer to either a College or University. 

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Scholarship / Financial Aid - "Applied for" and "Already Received"

Financial Information (to be completed by parent(s) and/or applicant) .
Tax information for the previous year's taxes must be used to answer questions in this Financial information Section. A copy of this information must be included with your application [see page 6 for the instructions to upload a copy of your 2023 tax form(s) used to complete your financial information (Form 1040 – pages 1 & 2; Form 1040A – pages 1 & 2; Form 1040EZ – pages 1 & 2)]
Definition: An Independent Applicant is an Applicant not claimed as a dependent on his/her parent’s Federal Income Taxes for the previous year.

Sub-Section A: Applicant Income, Federal Tax and Assets
All entries of amounts in the Applicant's Income, Tax and Asset Section should be Dollars ($$$$)

Applicants Income
All entries in the Applicant Income Section should be Dollars ($$$$)
Applicant's Assets
Sub-Section B: Parent's Income, Federal Tax and Assets
All entries of amounts in the Parents' Income, Tax and Asset Section should be Dollars ($$$$)

Parent's Income
Parents' Assets

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The Application is required to have 1 Letter of Support and may include up to three Letters of Support (LOS).  At least one of the LOS inputs should be from one of the Applicant's Rugby coaches.  Each LOS should include the Name of the person submitting the LOS as well as the relationship to the Applicant and contact information (cell phone number, email address).  The Applicant will need to have the LOS sent to the Applicant and then entered into the appropriate Letter of Support section listed below.  Each LOS should be a maximum of 3,000 characters.

The Application should include three pictures of the Applicant which can be uploaded to the this Application electronically.  The picture formats can be jpg, jpeg, png.  NOTE: The heic format (iphone live pictures) is not accepted.  The file should have a name that identifies the Photo (i.e. John Doe Head Shot)  The maximum size is 3.0 MB.

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The Application Supplemental Information can be uploaded to the this Application electronically.  The formats can be pdf, jpg, jpeg, png.  The file should have a name that identifies the uploaded document (i.e. John Doe Transcript)  The maximum size is 5.0 MB.

Upload the Tax Form used for your Taxes in the previous year.  Select the Tax Form that you used.  It should be one of the 3 Tax forms shown below - Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ.

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Required Certifications and Release
Applicant Certification: I certify the information provided in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I have not knowingly withheld any facts or circumstances that could otherwise jeopardize consideration of this application. If requested, I agree to provide additional verification of the information I have given on this form. I certify that I am not related to any individual employed by, who serves on a scholarship committee of, or sits on the Board of Directors of the United States Rugby Foundation.
Agreement of Terms
I certify that I have read carefully the criteria and checklist for the USRF Scholarship to which I am applying. I understand that if I do not submit the information required, if it arrives late, is faxed, or the materials are not submitted together, my application is incomplete and will not be considered. I agree to adhere to all of the terms and conditions of my scholarship and those set forth by the United States Rugby Foundation if I am selected as a recipient.
Signature of Applicant
To sign electronically, please type your FULL NAME in capital letters, below. This page must be signed or your application will be considered incomplete.

Press and Media Release


Application must be submitted on or before August 31, 2024
Checklist for United States Rugby Foundation College Scholarships: