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If you are applying for work in an eligible country in the Middle East region you can only apply under Leading from the South. The eligible countries in the Middle East are Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq and Yemen

Eligibility Checker

By women led we mean your organisation has 70% or more women employees; 70% or more women board members; The ED is a woman and the board chair is also a woman.

Thank you for completing our eligibility quiz. Please note that based on your response(s) to some of the questions, you are not eligible to apply to AWDF. For further clarification or questions, you can contact our grants team awdf@awdf.org.

About this form

What to expect and what you will need to fill in this form. 


  • Funding
  • About you
  • About your organisation
  • Your funding and financial systems (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG or IWD)
  • Your proposed project
  • Budget (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG or IWD)
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG or IWD)
  • Project risks and mitigation strategies (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG or IWD)
  • References (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG, IWD)

Documents to upload 

  • Completed project budget (see below for details) (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG or IWD)
  • Your organisation’s registration certificate (Not required for unregistered organisations)
  • Most recent organisational audited accounts (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG or IWD)
  • Reference letter in support of your application from a donor; an AWDF grantee or an official who is conversant with your work (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG, IWD)
  • Contact details for two additional referees – either a donor; an AWDF grantee or an official who is conversant with your work (Not Required for World AIDS Day, 16 Days, IDPWD, ERG, IWD)

Optional Documents 

  • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment policy and procedure document 

NB. We would like you to use our budget template to share your completed project budget with us.  The Template can be downloaded from page 14.


KASA grants are only open to women’s rights organisations working to address sexual violence in Ghana, Nigeria or Senegal.

We are looking to understand whether you have previously been a grantee of AWDF and how you were made aware of us as an organisation


If you haven’t received a formal invitation from AWDF, we are unable to consider your request.

About you

Please provide the name of your organisation and official organisation address, contact names for the staff member submitting this application and an alternate contact and their telephone numbers and work email addresses, and your organisation’s website address and social media.

Organisation Address

This is the physical address that your organisation operates from.

Alternative Contact Details

This is the person who we will contact if your main contact is unavailable

About your organisation

Please add details for each country your organisation is registered in. Use the 'Add another country of registration' link to add a new section.  

About your organisation

We want to understand how your organisation came about, who founded it and their reasons for doing so and also your organisation’s mission, vision and objectives.

We want to understand what are the specific issues and challenges (please add any data and statistics from independent sources and any previous evaluations you have done) faced by women, girls and/or gender diverse people in the community that your organisation is working to address.
Please identify a maximum of 3 population groups that will ultimately benefit from your programmes and activities as an organisation.

Please identify a maximum of 3 population groups listed below that will primarily benefit from your programmes and activities.

About your organisation

We prioritise work that is informed and led by women, girls and gender diverse community members and would like to understand the ways in which you involve them in your organisational decision making, implementation and evaluation processes.

We are looking to support work that focuses in four primary areas. Please select those that reflect your organisations’ priorities and on which you will be working over the coming years. Please select all those that reflect your upcoming priorities

About your organisation

We are looking to understand the leadership of your organisation by name, gender and position in your organisation. We would also like to understand the total number of staff, members and/or volunteers and the gender breakdown.

Please share the name, gender, position and role of each member of your leadership team

E.g. Director, Finance Manager, MEL lead, programme or project manager, Advisor

Please share the name, gender, position and role of each of your board members

E.g. board chair, board treasurer, board secretary, member
We would like to understand the total number of staff, members and/or volunteers and the gender breakdown.
Female Male Gender-Diverse
Staff (inc. Senior Leaders)
Board Members

Your funding and financial systems

What was your organisation’s actual total income for the last three completed/audited financial years? 

If you have done audits of your accounts, please provide those figures. If you have not yet completed the audit for your 2023 accounts, please provide totals for 2023, 2022and 2021. If you have not done audits, please provide verified income figures for the last three completed years and indicate whether these were independently verified by means other than audit.

Year  Amount Audited

What is your confirmed income for the next three years?

We are looking to understand if you have any confirmed (where contracts have been signed) income for the period 2023-2025 and, if yes, the names of those funders.
If you don’t have confirmed funding commitments, please leave this space blank.

Year  Amount
Please tell us about your confirmed funding


Your funding and financial systems

We are looking to understand what your organisational financial and accounting processes are including systems, software, policies and staffing, payments, internal controls, record keeping, financial reporting and auditing.
If you have done an annual audit, please submit your latest audited accounts

E.g. Who initiates and approves payments, and how? What internal controls are in place?

Organisational Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Please list the main organisational risks that your organisation faces and the mitigation strategies that have been identified to address them.
We are looking to understand your perspective on the financial, organisational and security risks to your organisation and your strategies for mitigating against and dealing with the financial, organisational and security risks you have identified in your response above.  

Please click this link for details on the Category of Risk


Category of risk are explained below:

1. Political Risk

The possibility of impact of local, national or international politics on the organisation. Example emergence of religious and cultural, extremism civil unrest etc.

2. Economic Risk

The possibility that macroeconomic conditions may impact on the organisation. Examples include  high or hyperinflation, currency fluctuation, shift in government policy or regulation, introduction of economic sanctions etc

3. Technological Risk

The possibility that the organisation may not have the capacity to adapt to the fast moving technological changes. Example, lack of capacity, equipment and systems, on line security threats, hacking, lack of access to the internet etc.

4. Legal

The possibility of changes in law and regulations affecting your organisation. Example legislation that limits the ability of civil society organisations to participate in civic space, criminalization and intimidation of activists a and women’s rights defenders etc

5. Environmental

The possibility that your activities may impact on the environment or the environment may impact adversely on the organisation. Environmental risks range from extreme weather to natural disasters and pollution or other activities that could expose your organisation to fines or even legislative action etc.

6. Financial

The possibility that your organisation may not have adequate funding, access to funding and or cash flow to pay bills on time. Examples include weak or collapse of the banking system, inflation, currency fluctuation, new government regulation that restricts funding movement, collapse of the economy leading to liquidity issues etc.

7. Reputation

The possibility of the organisation losing credibility or trust with the public. Example causing harm to partners, fraud or dishonest conduct by Staff etc.

8. Staffing

The possibility that the organisation may not have the right Staff to deliver the work. Example Staff not being hired or available at the right time due to other projects overrunning, or lack of expertise within organisation, staff turnover, sickness, and poorly planned vacations etc.

9. Other Risk

Any other organisational risk not mentioned above but that could impact on the project.  

We want to know about the measures (including policies, structures and processes) that you have or will put in place to ensure the safety and security of your staff and the communities you work with. This is to ensure that you are better prepared to address risks and threats that might arise and ensure that you do ‘no harm’ to the communities you work with. We also want to understand how you understand and manage the safety and security of your staff who do that important work.

Your proposed project

You can only apply for up to a maximum of USD5000

Kindly quote amount in US Dollars. For the purpose of our statistics, kindly use commas to separate thousands and points to indicate decimals as in the following example: 1,234,567.89

This grant is for a maximum of 6 months

For example, feminist organising, land rights, reducing violence against gender diverse people, women’s access to quality services, increasing the effectiveness of judicial responses to violence, LBTQ rights, etc. We want to understand the focus of the work, so don’t recommend selecting more than three clear areas of impact.

Please only select these options if you can demonstrate specifically how you are using them as a key approach in your work. Otherwise, please leave blank.
Please identify a maximum of 3 population groups that will ultimately benefit from your programmes and activities during this project.

Your proposed project

Please only select these options if you can demonstrate specifically how you are using them as a key approach in your work. Otherwise, please leave blank.

We want to understand what are the specific issues and challenges faced by women, girls and/or gender diverse people in the community that this specific project will be working to address.

Select all that apply
What specific changes (outcomes) will the proposed work bring about for the target communities and constituencies? (maximum of 5)

AWDF defines outcomes as medium-term results created through the delivery of outputs and the contributions of various partners and stakeholders. Outcomes provide a clear vision of what has changed or will change in a particular region, country or community within a period of time. Outcomes should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound (SMART).
For example, (these are illustrative and are not SMART), women and girls became advocates for their rights, or community members took action against perpetrators of violence against women and girls, or more women were elected to decision making positions in their local areas, or new policies to increase the number of women in local governance system formulated and approved.

Target communities and constituencies are: LGBTQI+, Disability Rights, Girls , Young Activists, Sex Workers, Formal + Informal communities that are often marginalised, Women
What specific outcomes will the proposed project bring about for women and girls?

What proposed activities will be implemented under your work  for this outcome (maximum of 5 activities) 
What activities will take place to reach this outcome (maximum of 5 activities)

Select all that apply

Include in your answer, the name of the country, region and district that the community can be found in.

An indirect beneficiary is someone who is not directly connected with the project, but will still benefit from it. This could be other members of the community or from the area or family members of the participants. Most projects are not planned around indirect beneficiaries, and so they are more difficult to describe precisely. For example, family members of participants directly involved in your project, community members in the area the project is being implemented, society (as long as you can demonstrate specifically how.

A direct beneficiary is someone who is directly involved with your project and benefits from it. Depending on your project this could be people who participated in your training, women or girls who accessed a service that your project is providing you built or women who received livestock. The important thing is that the direct beneficiaries are connected with the project and, as they are so closely intertwined with your project, direct beneficiaries should be easy to count and describe. For example, women and girls who benefitted from training or took part in awareness creation activities organised by you organisation, or women and girls provided with or supported to access services.


Not Komboa

Please complete the budget section below, adding a new budget line for each area that you are applying for. 

Please note that you only need to provide budget costs for the number of years that you project is lasting i.e. If your project is only 1 year, you can leave year 2 and 3 blank. 

Budget category: Staff Cost




Budget category: Specific Programme Related Costs




Budget category: Equipment 




Budget category: Monitoring / Evaluation




Budget category: Indirect Costs/Overhead




Please familiarise yourself with the guidance for each specific grant type to ensure that what you are requesting is permissible under the selected Fund.


If you are applying for an Open grant you can apply for a maximum of US$75,000 a year for two years

If you are applying for a Kasa! grant you can apply for a maximum of US$30,000 a year for two years 

If you are applying for a Komboa grant you can apply for a maximum of US$200,000 for up to two years   

Kindly quote amount in US Dollars. For the purpose of our statistics, kindly use commas to separate thousands and points to indicate decimals as in the following example: 1,234,567.89

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

We would like to understand how you will track and evaluate, using what specific tools and approaches what progress and impact your proposed work is having on the communities you are working in, particularly at the outcome level. Also, what your approach is to using, applying findings from your monitoring, evaluation and learning and also how you disseminate learning, including any creative approaches that you have adopted.

We would like to understand your approach to monitoring, evaluation and learning from your work on a previous similar project, what results you achieved in that work, what you learned from that work and how any previous learning has informed this proposed project.

What, from your past achievements working with women, girls and/or gender-diverse people in your communities, are you most proud of and can you tell us about that specific achievement.

Project risks and mitigation strategies

How will  your organisation adapt its plans and activities in the event a major crisis (including related to anti-rights/gender legislation)? 

We would like to understand your approach and how you will adapt your work in the event of on-going major crisis that may affect your context including but not limited to organisational, management, and project (outcome, output and activity level) adaptations

Please enter a minimum of two risks

Please click this link for details on the Category of Risk


1. External Risk

These risks are unpredictable and come from entirely external sources: nature, other people, government, and society. Example impact of COVID. External hazard risks include storms, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters; vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism; pandemics; civil unrest and labour strikes etc.

2. Cost Risk

The result of poor or inaccurate planning, cost estimation, and scope creep leading to insufficient funding for the project etc.

3. Schedule Risk

The risk that project tasks and activities will take longer to complete than estimated. This is the result of poor or unrealistic workplan etc.

4. Operational Risk

Operational risk stems from poor implementation and process setbacks, including but not limited to: governance, procurement of resources (human and material), processes and systems needed for effective implementation of the project etc.

5. Performance Risk

This is simply the risk that the project won’t produce the results and benefits outlined in the project proposal. Even if costs are within budget and the project sticks to the schedule, performance risk can mean that there is loss of time and money on a project that ultimately did not deliver.

6. Other Risk

Any other risk outside the categories above but which can also impact on the project.

We are looking to understand your perspective on the challenges and risks that may affect the implementation of your proposed project and how they may affect your work.

We are looking to understand your strategies for mitigating against and dealing with the challenges and risks you have identified in response above.

We are looking to understand your perspective on the challenges and risks that may affect the implementation of your proposed project and how they may affect your work.

We are looking to understand your strategies for mitigating against and dealing with the challenges and risks you have identified in response above.

We are looking to understand your perspective on the challenges and risks that may affect the implementation of your proposed project and how they may affect your work.

We are looking to understand your strategies for mitigating against and dealing with the challenges and risks you have identified in response above.


This can not be from the same referee you have mentioned above


Before you submit your application, please ensure you have uploaded all the documents listed in the checklist below and provided the name, designation and contact details for two additional referees. Unfortunately, we are unable to consider applications do not submit all the required documents and information.

Required Documents
  • Completed application form
  • Completed project budget (Excel)
  • Your organisation’s registration certificate
  • Most recent organisational audited accounts
  • Reference letter in support of your application from a donor; an AWDF grantee or an official who is conversant with your work
  • Contact details for two additional referees – either a donor; an AWDF grantee or an official who is conversant with your work
Optional Documents
  • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment policy and procedure document