Nexus Community Partners
City of Saint Paul LOCAL Fund: Worker Ownership
Grant Committee Community Member Application

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Grant Committee Community Member Volunteer Description

Nexus Community Partners (Nexus) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support strong, equitable and just communities of color in which all residents are engaged, are recognized as leaders, and have pathways to opportunities. The Shared Ownership Center (SOC@N) at Nexus is an expert in assisting and developing worker-owned cooperatives and businesses looking to transition to cooperatives by selling to their workers.  

In partnership with the City of Saint Paul, Nexus has established the Saint Paul LOCAL Worker Ownership Fund. This fund, with technical assistance provided by Nexus through the Shared Ownership Center, will expand the opportunities for worker ownership of small businesses. The ultimate outcome will be the preservation of jobs and enhanced local ownership of businesses to increase economic resilience and equity in Saint Paul in the wake of COVID-19.

Members of the Grant Committee are expected to:

  • Live, work, or own a business in the City of Saint Paul.

  • Read and know the policies and procedures of the LOCAL Fund: Worker Ownership. 

  • Read each grant request and related materials.

  • Attend and participate in scheduled grant review committee meetings for one year.

  • Vote to approve, deny, or table grant requests.

  • Review grant policies and procedures as requested by SOC@N and recommend changes, if needed.

  • Review the portfolio of grants made on an annual basis.

  • Follow the conflict-of-interest policy of the LOCAL Fund: Worker Ownership policies and sign an annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure, if required by Nexus.

  • Maintain confidentiality of all applicants and grant requests. 

  • Engage in learning opportunities to better understand the mission of Nexus, the purpose of the LOCAL Fund: Work Ownership, and the communities served by Nexus.

Benefits include:

  • $150.00 stipend per meeting, on average 3-4 meetings per year (Quarterly)

  • Training and enhanced skills in grant writing and grant review.

  • Expanding each member’s network within the Community, including the City of Saint Paul staff and lenders.

  • Learning more about cooperatives and how they are structured and how they operate.

For questions, please contact the Shared Ownership Center at

Please note that Grant Committee members must live, work, or own a business in the City of Saint Paul. Please list your applicable Saint Paul address below.

You can select more than one.