Gala Sponsorship Opportunities

Full Table Sponsorships

Cornerstone Supporter Table ($250,000)

  • All of the benefits from the Chair level plus customized benefits, including preferential seating and photo-ops with speakers.

Chair Table ($100,000)

  • Chair's Reception and Dinner for 10
  • Prominent logo recognition in Dinner Program and on event signage
  • Prominent logo and link on NCUSCR website
  • Special acknowledgment in Chair's speech
  • Opportunity to have VIP guests seated at table
  • One-year Corporate Membership at the Chair Level

Leader Table ($50,000)

  • General Reception and Dinner for 10
  • Logo recognition in Dinner Program and on event signage
  • Logo on NCUSCR website
  • Special acknowledgment in Chair's speech
  • Opportunity to have 1 VIP guest seated at table
  • One-year Corporate Membership at the Leadership Level
Partial Table Sponsorships

Benefactor Half-Table ($25,000)

  • General Reception and Dinner for 5
  • Listing in Dinner Program and on event signage
  • Listing on NCUSCR website
  • One-year Corporate Membership at the Benefactor Level 

Corporate Patron Tickets ($15,000)

  • General Reception and Dinner for 2
  • Listing in Dinner Program and on event signage
  • Listing on NCUSCR website
  • One-Year Corporate Membership at the Patron Level

Sponsor Details

as it should appear in digital or print listings

Primary Contact
Please list the contact details for the primary individual: 

Invoice Contact
Please list the contact details for the individual who should receive invoice details: