KMSA Chairpersons Award 2024


Nominators Details

Nominee Details


(Provide traceable and measurable evidence of work in KM profession)

(Provide evidence of impact made in KM field, any contribution to the profession through service, illustration of impact towards the advancement profession earning the recognition of others in the field, etc.)

(Provide examples of the following attributes - excellence; vision and growth resolute; resilience and determination in the implementation of a KM initiative. Provide evidence on innovation that supports or supported the enhancement of Knowledge Management as a profession. Illustrate any knowledge sharing initiative that empowered is empowering the KM community and any advocacy activity in promoting KMSA)

(Illustrate the level of participation in KMSA’s programmes, active participation in the professionalisation, study and standardisation of knowledge management practices)

(Provide evidence)

Closing date for nominations is 26 July 2024