KMSA Champion Award 2024
Nominators Details
First Name:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
Nominee Details
First Name:
Organisation Name:
1. Years of practice in Knowledge Management profession
(Provide traceable and measurable evidence of work in KM profession)
Upload any relevant documentation
2. Significant contribution and or support of Knowledge Management
(Provide evidence of impact made in KM field, any contribution to the profession through service, illustration of impact towards the advancement profession earning the recognition of others in the field, etc.)
Upload any relevant documentation
3. Are you in good Standing with KMSA (The nominee must be a current member of the KMSA in good standing. This includes being paid up adherence to the association's rules and regulations and maintaining an active membership status)?
Upload any relevant documentation
4. List some proof of your track record of advocating for the KMSA's endeavours and referrals for memberships. (This includes promoting the association's mission, vision, and activities within the broader community).
Upload any relevant documentation
How have you collaborated with KMSA?
(Provide evidence)
Upload any relevant documentation
Closing date for nominations is 26 July 2024
Contact Information