2025 Dreamin' In Color Ambassador Application

The Dreamin' In Color Conference is looking for enthusiastic ambassadors to help bring the event to life.

As an ambassador, you will have the opportunity to volunteer and play a key role in the planning and execution of the conference. There are two types of ambassadors.

Committee Members:
  • Engage in year-long involvement, attending regular meetings and collaborating on committee tasks.
  • Contribute to strategic planning and decision-making for areas such as speakers, sponsorship, or programming.
  • Play a pivotal role in shaping the conference's success from conception to execution.
Event Volunteers:
  • Provide valuable support without the year-long commitment, while still making a significant impact prior to and during the event.
Qualifications to Apply
All ambassadors must be able to meet the following qualifications:
  • Must be able to attend 1 hour meetings every other week until April. After April we will meet once a week.  Meetings are at 6pm EST.
  • Must be willing and able to collaborate in Slack
  • Must attend Dreamin' In Color 2024
By becoming a Dreamin' In Color Ambassador, you'll not only contribute to the success of our conference but also enjoy these valuable benefits:
  • Professional Networking: Volunteers have a unique opportunity to meet and interact with a wide range of professionals in the Salesforce ecosystem, which can lead to valuable connections and job opportunities.
  • Skill Development: Volunteering can help individuals develop new skills or enhance existing ones, such as event management, leadership, problem-solving, and communication.
  • Access to Sessions: Volunteers will receive free or discounted access to the conference
  • Community Contribution: Volunteers contribute significantly to the success of the conference, playing a part in advancing the careers and businesses of Black and Brown Salesforce professionals.
  • Visibility: Being a volunteer can increase one's visibility within the Salesforce community, which is beneficial for personal branding and establishing oneself as a committed professional.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Interacting with seasoned professionals and thought leaders can provide volunteers with informal mentorship opportunities and insights into career growth.
Contact Information

Interest and Experience

Committee Member Interest Areas
Each committee plays a crucial role in the conference's success. Here are the organizing committees:

Event Production
  • Assists with venue setup and break-down and on-site activities during the conference, including session transitions and attendee flow
Marketing Committee
  • Responsible for all marketing activities and working with other committees on marketing for their areas
  • Creating a content calendar, graphics, and monthly newsletter
  • Collaborating with Design Committee for design assets
  • Schedule posts on all social media networks
  • Responsible for engagement
PR & Communications Committee
  • Create press releases
  • Create partnership and communication strategy
  • Create potential partner organizations and businesses
  • Provide suggestions for monthly newsletter
  • Monitor email account(s)
  • Manage special events (pitch competition, learning labs, etc)
  • Monitor conference app for questions
  • Create and manage the volunteer plan including sign-ups
  • Create the staffing plan
  • Responsible for management and all communications to sponsors including email journeys, webinars, and marketing kit
  • Create list of prospective Salesforce ecosystem sponsors
  • Update System.io page
  • Create sponsor codes
  • Coordinate the sponsor thank you gift
Speakers & Sessions
  • Responsible for all aspects of selecting, communicating and promoting speakers
  • Review Submission Form
  • Work with marketing to encourage submissions
  • Review submissions
  • Manage speaker slack channel
  • Create speaker registration codes
  • Responsible for speaker thank you gifts
Committee Member Interest Selection

Event Volunteer Interest Selection