Pflugerville Library - September 24th, 2024 - MakerGirl Participant Registration Form

Step 1

polaroid photos of girls participating in 3d printing sessions
Welcome MakerGirl Parent! We are so excited to meet your MakerGirl soon. Please complete the registration below. 

Level 1 - Future Makers (90 minutes) 
  • Introduction to 3D printing and how it can be used in different industries (themes ranging from 20+ different topics)

  • Introduction to computer-aided design (CAD)

  • Learn about famous women in STEM

  • Students can present what they created to the class

  • Target age range: 8-12 years old

Step 2

Please complete the following section with your/parent/guardian information. This information will be used to send all communication about the session.

Please complete the following section with your child's information. This allows us to create usernames needed to access our software during the session. 

Step 3

At MakerGirl we are committed to have half the number of students we educate identify as one of MakerGirl's definitions of underrepresented. 

Please take a few moments so we can get to know you better.  

Step 4

The safety and privacy of your MakerGirl is our top priority. In the case where we would want to use a photo or image of your MakerGirl to celebrate her and her work, we want to make sure we get your permission to do so.

As the injury form pertains mostly to in person, we ask that you acknowledge that we are not responsible for the physical safety of your MakerGirl while on virtual session.

If you have questions about either release form, please contact our team at

Photo Appearance Release Form 

I, ___(Parent Name)___, hereby consent to the photographing of my child, __(MakerGirl Name)_____ and/or myself and consent to the use of these photographs in addition to our first names for promotional and commercial purposes including, but not limited to flyers, websites, blogs, testimonials, videos, etc. I understand that the term “photograph” as used herein includes both still images and video footage.  
I further consent to the reproduction and/or authorization by MakerGirl to reproduce and use said photographs and/or recordings. Further, I understand that others may, with or without the consent of MakerGirl, use and/or reproduce said photographs and recordings. 
I allow MakerGirl to use participant’s name(s) and e-mail exchanges and allow any testimonies, stories, and quotes to be used by MakerGirl.  
I hereby release MakerGirl and its members, and any of its associated or affiliated organizations and their members, from any and all claims on account of such use as described above.

Injury Release Form

I hereby voluntarily release and discharge MakerGirl, its agents, servants, interns, and employees from any and all claims for injury, illness, death, loss or damage, which participant's name(s) may suffer as a result of my child's participation in these activities. I understand that MakerGirl assumes no responsibility for injuries and illnesses that participant's name(s) may sustain as a result of her participation in this program or related with activity.

I hereby release MakerGirl and its members, and any of its associated or affiliated organizations and their members, from any and all claims on account of such use as described above.
I, the parent/legal guardian of the individual named above, have read this release and agree to its terms and conditions. My signature on the following page agrees to the terms and conditions above.

Step 5

Please provide the shipping address for your MakerGirl so we can ship their 3D print after the session is complete.

If your address is invalid or incorrect, we will not be able to ship your MakerGirl their 3D print.
Shipping Address

Next steps:
  1. After you select 'submit' below on this form the next page will review the registration and ask you to provide your signature towards the bottom of the page. Please complete your signature and submit. 

  2. Once you submit your signed registration you will receive an email from FormAssembly to verify for your email and confirm your MakerGirl's registration. Please follow the link to verify your email address and registration. 
Your MakerGirl's registration is confirmed once your email has been verified. 

Question about registration? Email us at: