Hero Banner imageCommunity Partners Impact Report - Due AUGUST 1, 2024

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The TIME FRAME covered for the August Community Partners Impact Report is: 

July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, a full TWELVE MONTHS, for Budget and Outcome Measures, and

January 1 to June 30, 2024, a SIX MONTH PERIOD, for Demographics.



(500 words or less)

(500 words or less)




(250 words or less)



Program Outcomes/Impact in the PAST FUNDING YEAR
Please share the results of your work covering the entire 12 months of the funding year, that is July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.  The outcomes reported on below should match the "anticipated" outcomes that you listed on your application for funding in March of 2023.

Outcome Desired Data/Tools Used to Track Progress # of Clients Receiving Service # Clients Achieving Desired Outcome Targeted % Achieving Desired Outcome Actual % Achieving Desired Outcome % of Clients Receiving Service
Outcome #1
Outcome #2
Outcome #3
Outcome #4

OPTIONAL (50 words or less)
Demographic Reporting for January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024, a SIX MONTH PERIOD.

  • A client served is a person who received services from your program.
  • In the case of a program which has membership, count only those who are officially members of the program.
  • Count unduplicated clients served at your Allen County location, regardless of the clients county of residence. 
  • Count only the clients served through the Program funded by your United Way grant.
  • If your program/service is offered inside the schools, you may use the zip code of the school.
  • PLEASE NOTE:  The "totals" in each category should be the same from category to category.
Clients Served by Area of Residence
Please input the number of unduplicated clients served from each location listed below.  Please count only clients served in Allen County through the funded programIf the clients residence is outside of Allen County and they were served in Allen County, please list their zip code as "Unknown". If your program is offered inside the schools, use the zip code of the school where the service was provided.

Clients Served by Age
Please input the number of unduplicated clients served from each age category listed below.  Please count only clients served in Allen County through the funded program.

Clients Served by Gender
Please input the number of unduplicated clients served from each gender category listed below.  Please count only clients served in Allen County through the funded program.

Clients Served with Disabilities
Please input the number of unduplicated clients served from each disability category listed below.  Please count only clients served in Allen County through the funded program.

Clients Served by Race/Ethnicity
Please input the number of unduplicated clients served from each racial/ethnic category listed below.  Please count only clients served in Allen County through the funded program.

Clients Served by Income Level
Please input the number of unduplicated clients served from each income level category listed below.  Please count only clients served in Allen County through the funded program.

Additional Explanation

OPTIONAL (300 words or less)
I verify that I have reviewed the information provided and it is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge.