Enquiry and Eligibility Form - Transpennine Route Upgrade Community Fund (TRU CF) Small

Please use this form to register your interest and check your eligibility for the Transpennine Route Upgrade Community Fund (TRU CF)

This form is for the Small grants category (grants of £1000-£5000).

This is the first of two forms. After submitting, you will receive a link to the full application form.

If you encounter any issues whilst completing this form please email grants@gmcvo.org.uk

Organisation Details

Who should we contact about your application? 

Eligibility  Project
Eligible projects will meet the following criteria:

1. Be a not-for-profit organisation as per one of the below options:

(Usually a charity or company registration number.)

(The uploaded document must have at least three trustee signatures and include a clause about the dissolution of the organisation.)
2. Delivering in a place/s which are in the 50% most deprived areas in England (deciles 1-5 of the Index of Multiple Deprivation)
To look up the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) for the delivery area, please go to the website linked here: Find That Postcode,
Scroll to the
‘Area Classifications’ section and copy the numbers under 'index of multiple deprivation'.
Please provide both the number and percentage:

3. Delivering the Project within 5 miles of the TRU core or formal TRU Diversionary Route

This must be within 5 miles of the TRU core route or formal TRU Diversionary Route. The route map can be found here: Transpennine Core and Diversionary route - Google My Maps. You can check the postcode of the project delivery location on this interactive map by following the map link, selecting the search magnifying glass icon and entering the postcode. This will plot the location and show whether the postcode is within the boundaries.

5. The project aligns with one or more of the following four pillars which make up the TRU sustainability and social value strategy ‘Our Guiding Compass’. Please note applications which focus on places, spaces and people with the addition of volunteering opportunities for the TRU team will be favoured.

(We are interested in this as we are keen to ensure that smaller / grassroots organisations are applying and receive funding) 

(This includes current employees and former employees within 2 years of the end of their employment with Network Rail or the TRU Enterprise.)
Eligibility  Organisation
Please confirm the organisation delivering this project will have the following in place. (If these are not yet in place, you will be confirming they would be before delivery of the proposed project commences). 

All information provided will be held securely by GMCVO in accordance with our Privacy Statement which you can read here.

All information provided will be held securely by GMCVO in accordance with our Privacy Statement which you can read here
You must meet the criteria to submit this form.