Community Workshop Registration Form

Series Description

In the face of anti-DEI backlash, equity fatigue, and rising hostility to progress, it's important for philanthropy to double down and be proactive, not paralyzed.

With our Community Workshop Series, ABFE aims to help philanthropy professionals transform anxiety and angst into action. Join our Philanthropic Advising Services team for monthly workshops that provide strategies to be proactive in your organization. We'll share a suite of tools and tips for addressing internal and external pressure to be race neutral, recent shifts away from racially equitable programs in grantmaking, and other unique challenges faced across the sector. Keeping ABFE's Responsive Philanthropy in Black Communities Framework at the center, we'll use current examples to help you develop systematic responses to mobilize resources at your organization.

Session Outline
Who is this series for?

This program benefits from the interaction among participants with a broad range of experiences, identities, backgrounds, institutional affiliations, and roles within those institutions. Senior, mid-level and entry-level staff, program and administrative staff, board members, donors, and others seeking professional development are encouraged to participate. Individuals representing community foundations, corporate foundations, family foundations, individual donors, and grantees are all welcome. Whether familiar or new to ABFE's work, an ABFE Member or a non-member, we invite you to register.

Session Dates (all from 1-4:30PM EDT)

Wednesday, July 31
What's Race Got to Do with It?: Using ABFE's Racial Back-Mapping Tool for Root-Cause Analysis

Wednesday, August 28
Not Just Grantmaking: Integrating Racial Equity into Programs & Internal Systems

Wednesday, September 25
Doubling Down During Backlash: Strategic Communications and Narrative Change

Wednesday, October 30

Philanthropic Reparations for Black People: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Wednesday, November 20
Responsive Philanthropy in Black Communities: An Overview of ABFE's Racial Equity Framework

We welcome participants to register multiple people within their organization and across session dates!

Please provide registration details for each person attending the workshop(s). Upon receipt of payment, Zoom registration will be sent to the email address(es) provided.
To register more than one person, click the 'Add' link.


Billing Information

Payment Information