Our Texas, Our Future Grant 24-25

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Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) and H-E-B are proud to offer The Our Texas, Our Future Grants (previously named the Green Bag Grants) program, which provides funding for new and existing programs across Texas.


Projects can fall within the following categories and can be used in both formal and informal educational settings:

  • Beautification
  • Litter Prevention
  • Recycling
  • Waste Reduction
  • Water Conservation
  • Wildlife Restoration and Habitat Protection

Grant Amount
*NEW* The minimum grant award is $1000 and the maximum award is $5,000.


You must be a KTB affiliate in an H-E-B service area with Gold Star, Silver Star, or Good Standing affiliate status for 2024. While not a requirement, affiliates are strongly encouraged to partner with local schools, youth groups, local H-E-B stores, Central Market, H-E-B Plus, Mi Tienda, or Joe V's Smart Shop stores, recreational venues, government agencies, and/or community organizations.

Multiple projects in a community may be funded, but a separate application must be received for each distinct project.


Projects must be completed and funding spent by May 31, 2025. If total project costs exceed the grant amount, the project can be completed using other sources of funding. Please note, however, the project must be completed or the funding will need to be returned to KTB. Applicants must agree to submit a final report on their project by June 27, 2025 (see Timeline section for more details).

Special consideration for all awards will be given to projects that:

  • Involve schools, scouts, or other youth groups

  • Partner with local H-E-B, Central Market, H-E-B Plus, Mi Tienda, or Joe V's Smart Shop stores 

  • Serve low-income or under-served populations 

Project concepts could include, but are not limited to:

  • Education (formal/informal) and outreach

  • Implementation of programs

Funds may NOT be used for the following purposes:

  • Governmental or corporate recycling programs

  • Repayment of existing debt or obligations

  • Payment of organizational overhead

  • Legal fees

  • Loan or bank fees

  • Subsidization of existing contracts

  • Ongoing staff expenses

  • Pass-through grants

  • Field Trips

Only fully completed entries submitted on time, by eligible parties, and in compliance with the guidelines will be judged. Grantees may be required to participate in a regional press event.

Use of Social Media and pictures to promote the activities and sponsor

  • Grant recipients must post 2 photos of their OTOF grant project to Facebook and/or Instagram, tagging the following and including the hashtag #ourtexas-ourfuturegrants and #HEBHelpingHere

  • Keep Texas Beautiful - @keeptxbeautiful

  • H-E-B/Central Market/Mi Tienda - @HEB

  • Joe V's Smart Shop - @JOEVSMARTSHOP

Evaluation Process

Winners will be selected by a panel of judges.  All decisions made by the judges are final. Grant allocations will be determined by the scope of service.


  • August 12, 2024: Applications open

  • September 26, 2024: Application(s) must be received by KTB by 5 p.m. CT

  • October 31, 2024: Winners will be notified and grant funds distributed 

  • May 31, 2025: Projects must be complete

  • June 27, 2025: The final report form must be received by KTB

Please note: By accepting funds for their project, grant applicants consent to completing the final report on time. Failure to do so will result in loss of KTB affiliate benefits and future grant participation.

For questions, contact Program Director Sara Walters at swalters@ktb.org

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Affiliate and Contact Information

First Name

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Application Questions - 300 words maximum per question

If yes, please list partner(s) below. 

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Application Guidelines


  • Applications must be submitted through the specific online application form.
  • All questions on the application form online must be completed with adequate information and detail.
  • Please DO NOT submit materials that are not requested in the application. They will not be used in the judging process.
  • Applications must be submitted to KTB by Thursday, September 26, 2024 by 5 p.mCDT

Please carefully review the criteria, eligibility, and application guidelines. After submitting you can print your completed application for your records.


**By clicking on submit, your affiliate understands and agrees that funding of this project will commit your affiliate to: 

·       Completing the project or program by May 31, 2025

·     Supplementing funds in order to complete the project/program if it exceeds grant amount 

·       Tracking the educational meetings and events that take place regarding the program

·       Using social media and pictures to promote the activities, project/program, and sponsors

·       Submitting Final Report to KTB by June 27, 2025

Contact Sara Walters with questions at 512-961-5262 or swalters@ktb.org. 

You can save your progress or save your application for your records prior to submitting the application.