By submitting a request for a grant to the British Science Association, the organisation named in the request (referred to as ‘you’ in these Terms and Conditions) agrees, if awarded a grant, to:
1.1 hold the grant on trust for the British Science Association (referred to as ‘we’ or ‘us’) and use it on a project which enables young people to work towards a CREST Award. The money must be spent on resources, materials and costs necessary for the CREST project;
1.2 submit the students’ project(s) for a CREST Award using the voucher code before the end of the academic year (31 July 2025);
1.3 complete two teacher feedback surveys (provided by the British Science Association); one before and one after completing the CREST Awards;
1.4 distribute two short feedback forms (provided by the British Science Association) to the pupil participants, before and after completing the CREST Awards, and return the completed forms to the British Science Association head office after the event/activity;
1.5 contribute to any programme evaluation conducted by or on behalf of the British Science Association, including but not limited to participating in an interview or focus group;
1.6 act lawfully in carrying out your event/activity, in accordance with best practice and guidance from your regulators, and follow any guidelines issued by us about the use of the grant;
1.7 where your event/activity involves working with children, young people or adults at risk, adopt and implement an appropriate written safeguarding policy, obtain written consent from legal carers or guardians and carry out background checks for all employees, volunteers, trustees or contractors as required by law; and
1.8 comply with data protection laws.
2. You acknowledge that:
2.1 we will not increase the grant if you spend more than the agreed budget;
2.2 if the provided bank account details (including account name, account number and sort code), are incorrect, your grant payment may be significantly delayed or your grant offer may be withdrawn;
2.3 the grant is not consideration for any taxable supply for VAT purposes;
2.4 we have no liability for any costs or consequences incurred by you or third parties that arise directly or indirectly from the project, nor from nonpayment or withdrawal of the grant, save to the extent required by law;
2.5 the British Science Association will not be held responsible or liable for any consequences, whether direct or indirect to any loss or damage, personal or otherwise, injury or death, however arising, in grant-funded events and activities. Grant recipients are responsible for taking out any public liability or other insurance necessary to cover the activities;
2.6 these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply for one year after the grant is paid or until the project has been completed, whichever is later. Clauses 2.4 and 2.5 shall survive expiry of these Terms and Conditions; and
2.7 if the application and grant award are made electronically, the agreement between us shall be deemed to be in writing and your online acceptance of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be a signature of that agreement.