MPSA Mentee Application: 2024-2025 Academic Year

Thank you for your interest in the MPSA 2024-2025 Academic Year Mentoring Program!

The MPSA will review mentee candidate applications and accepted mentees will be placed with preferred mentors as available. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Not every applicant will be assigned a mentor for this year's program. Preference will be given to junior faculty, mid-career faculty (tenured but not Full Professor), contingent faculty, PhDs currently holding non-academic positions, and graduate students nearing PhD completion.

Please visit the MPSA Mentoring Program page for additional information, participant expectations, mentor profiles, and the program timeline.
Your Contact Details
Please include your contact information below

Please Specify Your Research Interests 

Select your Mentor

Please select two mentors you wish to work with. The MPSA will do its best to accommodate your request. Please review the mentor profiles to assist you with your decision. 

Please note: if you are accepted into the Mentoring Program but the mentors you selected are unavailable, you may be paired with a different mentor. In such cases the MPSA will select an appropriate mentor based on your career stage, mentoring needs, and research interests.