Afterschool 2024-25 Registration Form

Thank you for choosing the Institute of Music for Children's Afterschool program. Visit our website at


Si necesitas ayuda en español comuníquese con la oficina 908-469-1211(ext 310) o envíe un correo electrónico a Stephanie Guenard

This registration form takes between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. (Must be completed in one sitting)

RETURNING FAMILIES: Please call or email to receive your PRE-FILL LINK and reduce the time it takes to register. 

Afterschool Institute Program Overview and Pricing, click here

Classes being offered for K- 12th grade. Class Days/Times: click here

Financial Assistance: Fill out the Registration Form and then click link to proceed to Financial Assistance Form (Requires most recent 1040 tax document and a secondary form of current income confirmation ready to upload)

Spring classes begin the week of February 11th. Classes are held one day per week. For help en español, please call the office 908-469-1211 ext. 310.
Parent/Guardian 1 Information
Household Address
Parent/Guardian 2 Information
Parent/Guardian 2 Address
Demographic Information

The Institute of Music receives government funding and is therefore required to collect demographic data from all of our clients. The information gathered in this form is kept confidential and will only be used anonymously for statistical reporting. 

Emergency Contact Information
Please provide information for 2 Emergency Contacts for the student(s) you are registering.

PLEASE NOTE: Emergency Contacts should NOT be the student's parent or guardian. These should be contacts other than yourself and any other parent/guardian listed on this form.

The Institute of Music for Children  



12 week semester (February 11, 2025 – May 17, 2025) Grades K-12  

Adult Private Lessons available 

Low-cost Instrument Rentals 


Click here for a list of Class Days and Times 

Classes & lessons are held 1 day per week 

  • Tues. & Wed. 5:30pm & 6:40pm (60 min classes) 

  • Saturdays 10:30am, 11:45am, 1:00pm (60 min classes) 

  • Thursdays 5:30pm & 7:30pm (80 min classes)  

TEEN NIGHT (Teen Talk/Game Time: 4:45pm and Dinner: 7:00pm at no additional cost) 



Instrumental Music  

• Guitar (I & II) • The Keys and Me • Piano (I & II) • Violin I • African Drumming • Music Explore! • Recorder Rhythms 


Performing Arts  

• Acting Singing • Hip Hop Dance • Ballet 


Visual & Media Classes  

• Art Workshop • Anime/Cartooning • Painter’s Studio • Music Production • DJ  • Recording Studio • Podcasting • Fashion Design • Crochet • Graphic Art 


Specialty Classes 

•Young Chefs   • Karate • Glo Girls Club (self-development) • Cheer Squad/Drill Team 



Piano, Guitar, Drums, Voice, Acting, Visual Art and more for Grades 2 to Adults 

30 minute one-on-one lessons offered 1 time a week. 


Note: Accommodating lessons is based on teacher availability. Not all art forms will be available at all preferred days/times. The more flexibility you have, the better chances that we can accommodate your request.  




Prices are offered at a STANDARD or a MEMBER rate. 

  • Member Rates: Discounted tuition and requires parent commitment to fundraising & volunteering 

  • Standard Rates: No requirement to fundraise or volunteer. Fewer discounts apply  


Standard Rates: 


Standard Rates Afterschool Spring 2025 

12 Week Standard 

1 Group Class 


2 Group Classes 


3 Group Classes 


4 or More Group Classes 


1 Private Lesson 


1 Private Lessons & 1 Group Class 


2 Private Lessons 


1 Private Lesson & 2 Group Classes 


1 Group & 2 Private Lessons 


2 Group & 2 Private Lessons 


3 Private Lessons 


Adult Private Lesson 




Member Rates:  Click Here for more information about Membership Requirements 

Membership Requirements Include:  

  • Attending a one-hour, annual Membership meeting  

  • Membership Meeting Dates: 2/27 (in person) or 3/1 (online) 

  • Obtaining Membership Points:  

  • Families must earn a certain # of points for every child enrolled 

  • Fundraising, Volunteering, Social Media Participation, Providing Meals, Direct Donation 

Member Pricing Afterschool Spring 25 

12 Week Member 

1 Group Class 


2 Group Classes 


3 Group Classes 


4 or More Group Classes 


1 Private Lesson 


1 Private Lessons & 1 Group Class 


2 Private Lessons 


1 Private Lesson & 2 Group Classes 


1 Group & 2 Private Lessons 


2 Group & 2 Private Lessons 


3 Private Lessons 


Adult Private Lesson 





Payment Plans Available  

  • Requires approved credit card to be on file 

  • Requires an account in good standing. Not adhering to payment plan or membership requirements from previous semesters can make you ineligible for payment plan 


Payment Plan Dates:  It is your responsibility to ensure your automatic payments go through on the specific dates belowIf for some reason you are having issues with your card, you will need to contact Ms. Kristin immediately to fix. 


Spring 12 Weeks – 3 Payments 

  • Day of Registration, February 21st, March 21st 


Membership Fee  (If you enroll as a Member) 

Families pay an annual fee that applies to all family members enrolled 

  • $30 Membership Fee for 12 weeks 


Membership Requirements Include:  

  • Attending a one-hour, annual Membership meeting  

  • Membership Meeting Dates: 2/27 (in person) or 3/1 (online) 

  • Obtaining Membership Points:  

  • Families must earn a certain # of points for every child enrolled 

  • Fundraising, Volunteering, Social Media Participation, Providing Meals, Direct Donation 


Materials Fees:  

Additional fees are assessed for the following classes. 


Piano, Guitar, The Keys and Me 




Art Workshop, Anime & Cartooning, Comic Book Creation, Superheroes & Villains, Fashion & Accessories


Painter's Studio 


Chef Classes 


Recorder Rhythms 





Violin, Guitar and Mini-Keyboard Rentals: $30 for 12 weeks  






Deadline to register:  Monday February 3, 2025 


Spring Semester begins: February 11, 2025 - May 17, 2025 (12-weeks) 


End of Year Showcases: May 12, 2024 – May 17, 2025 


  • Spring Break – April 19- April 25, 2025 (This may be used for any make up classes The Institute cancels)* 

  • Rehearsal Week – May 5 – May 10, 2025 

  • Showcase Week – May 12 – May 17, 2025 

*Break dates are subject to change due to any unexpected weather etc. 


Class NameDay OfferedGrades
Acting, Tu 5:30-6:30pmTuesday4;5;6;7
Anime & Cartooning, Tu 5:30-6:30pmTuesday3;4;5
Art Workshop, Tu 5:30-6:30pmTuesdayK;1;2
Digital Music Makers, Tu 5:30-6:30pmTuesday4;5;6;7
Guitar I, Tu 5:30-6:30pmTuesday3;4;5
Piano I, Tu 5:30-6:30pmTuesday4;5
Anime & Cartooning, Tu 6:40-7:40pmTuesday5;6;7
Jewelry Makers, Tu 6:40-7:40pmTuesday3;4;5;6;7
Piano 1.5, Tu 6:40-7:40pmTuesday3;4;5;6;7
The Keys & Me, Tu 6:40-7:40pmTuesdayk;1;2;3
Young Chefs, Tu 6:40-8:00pmTuesday4;5;6;7
Class NameDay OfferedGrades
Anime Cartooning, W 5:30-6:30pmWednesday4;5
Creative Art, W 5:30-6:30pmWednesdayk;1;2;3
Guitar II, W 5:30-6:30pmWednesday4;5;6;7;8
Hip Hop Dance, W 5:30-6:30pmWednesday4;5;6;7
Little Actors, W 5:30-6:30pmWednesdayk;1;2;3
Podcast Creation, W 5:30-6:30pmWednesday5;6;7;8
Fashion Design, W 6:40-7:40pmWednesday4 - 7
GLO Girls, W 6:40-7:40pmWednesday4 - 7
Piano I, W 6:40-7:40pmWednesday3 - 5
Young Chefs, W 6:40-7:40pmWednesday4;5;6;7
Class NameDay OfferedGrades
Anime & Cartooning, Th 5:30-6:50pmThursday9;10;11;12
Guitar I, Th 5:30-6:50pmThursday9;10;11;12
Music Production, Th 5:30-6:50pmThursday9;10;11;12
Piano I, Th 5:30-6:50pmThursday8;9;10;11;12
Acting, Th 7:30-8:50pmThursday9;10;11;12
Painter's Studio, Th 7:30-8:50pmThursday8;9;10;11;12
Recording Studio, Th 7:30-8:50pmThursday9;10;11;12
Class NameDay OfferedGrades
Violin II, S 10:00-11:00amSaturday3;4;5;6;7;8
African Drum, S 10:30-11:30amSaturdayk;1;2;3;4
Ballet, S 10:30-11:30amSaturdayk;1;2;3
Comic Book Creation, S 10:30-11:30amSaturday5;6;7;8
Creative Art, S 10:30-11:30amSaturdayk;1;2;3
Karate, S 10:30-11:30amSaturdayk;1;2;3
Acting, S 11:45-12:45pmSaturdayk;1;2;3
Anime Cartooning, S 11:45-12:45pmSaturday3;4;5;6
Creative Art, S 11:45-12:45pmSaturdayk;1;2;3
Guitar I, S 11:45-12:45pmSaturday5;6;7
Karate, S 11:45-12:45pmSaturdayk;1;2;3
Music Explore, S 11:45-12:45pmSaturdayk;1;2;3
Violin I, S 11:45-12:45pmSaturday3;4;5;6;7
Acting, S 1:00-2:00pmSaturday4;5;6;7
DRAW: Superheroes & Villains, S 1:00-2:00pmSaturday3;4;5
Mini Movie Makers, S 1:00-2:00pmSaturday5;6;7;8
Singing, S 1:00-2:00pmSaturdayk;1;2;3

Begin Registration Process

Step 1: Choose your Membership Status for all Students 

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:  By Choosing Membership, you agree that if the obligations of Membership are not completed by 2 weeks prior to the semester's end, you will be responsible for paying the Standard rate for Classes.  Your card on file will be charged.
*If you have not fulfilled your membership requirements from last Afterschool, you may be denied Membership this year.*
Student Registration
Step 2: Enter the Student's Information below:
Press Command or Control on your keyboard to select multiple options

Step 3: Make Semester Selections for this Student:
Group Classes
(Piano, Guitar, Violin students only)
If you have more than one student, and would like to add more than 1 class, please add all students to registration BEFORE adding additional classes. 
Young Chef's/ Top Chef's Consent Form

Students will have the opportunity to use kitchen utensils and equipment during the Institute of Music for Children’s cooking program. Students will learn about appropriate handling of food items and safe operation and use of the kitchen equipment and they will be supervised at all times. Parents should be aware, however, that participation involves using knives and other sharp utensils, and that children will be working with and in close proximity to large kitchen equipment and hot items.  Classes may also involve handling of raw food items.  Although every precaution is taken to prevent accidents, a certain risk is involved due to the nature of the experience, the age of the student, and the learning environment.

Troupe Classes
PLEASE NOTE: Troupe Classes are only available for grades 5 and up. If you are registering a a K-4th grader, please select no.
Troupe Class
Private Lessons
All private lessons are 30 minutes long.  Accommodating each lesson is based on teacher availability. Not all art forms will be available at all preferred days/times. The more flexibility you have, the better chances that we can accommodate your request.  We will be emailing you a questionnaire to complete in regards to your child(ren)'s private lessons.

12 Week Scheduling may be subject to limited availability.
Private Lesson


Consent Information

Handbook Information
I agree to abide by the policies within this handbook in regards to the Institute of Music for Children's Afterschool Program.  

Media Release
I give my consent to the Institute of Music for Children (IMC) to photograph/videotape my child for educational, promotional or documentation purposes and to use such pictures and/or stories in connection with their work.  I do release IMC from any claims of compensation. Doy mi consentimiento al Instituto de Música para Niños (IMC) para que fotografíe/video a mi hijo y use dichas imágenes y/o historias en relación con cualquiera de sus trabajos sin consideración de compensación de ningún tipo, y libero a IMC de cualquier reclamación que pudiera surgir al respecto. El nombre de los niños no se mostrará/utilizará sin consentimiento.
Health and Safety Release
I hereby authorize the emergency treatment by a qualified and licensed medical doctor selected by The Institute of Music for Children in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger my child’s life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort, if delayed.  This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me.  I also guarantee payment of all charges incurred during this medical treatment (physician, hospital, x-ray, lab, drugs, ambulance, etc.) My student(s) has/have permission to engage in all Institute of Music for Children program activities.  The student and/or his/her/their parent/guardian agree to abide by the rules and regulations set up by the Institute of Music for Children for health, safety and welfare of the children participating in the program. 
Before the beginning of the semester, we are requiring families to attend an orientation on Saturday, February 8th, for pre-survey completion (students 4th grade and up), financial assistance, information, etc.


Sub Total
Installment Schedule Details

Total registration cost for all students will be divided into equal payments, depending on length of semester selected. Membership and supply fees are due with Installment 1.
12 Weeks
Installment 1: Today
Installment 2: 2/21/25
Installment 3: 3/21/25

Need-Based Financial Aid

Complete the application below to request financial assistance. 

PLEASE NOTE: A $30 fee is required for application processing. This amount will applied to your class Membership fee.

It is required you register as a Member to receive Financial Assistance.

Financial Aid is not available for private lessons.

Need-based financial aid will be awarded after all required financial documentation has been submitted. We encourage you to submit ASAP as financial aid resources are limited.

The following documentation is required for the financial assistance application:
  • Completion of Financial Assistance Application: Available in English & Spanish 
  • Most Recent 1040 Tax Return OR CDBG Form (Available as part of application)
  • One of the following documents: 
    1. Two consecutive paystubs
    2. Letter from Unemployment/Disability
    3. Letter from Employer confirming employment
    4. Documentation to verify household income
If for some reason you are unable to provide this documentation please contact us to discuss your circumstances at or call 908-469-1211.

After we receive your application, and required information listed above, we will be in touch to schedule an appointment.  

Thank you
Payment Information
Credit Card
Billing Address
The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway manages the complex routing of sensitive customer information through the electronic check and credit card processing networks.

The company adheres to strict industry standards for payment processing, including:

  • 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for secure Internet Protocol (IP) transactions.

  • Industry leading encryption hardware and software methods and security protocols to protect customer information.

  • Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

For additional information regarding the privacy of your sensitive cardholder data, please read the Authorize.Net Privacy Policy