2025 National Lifespan Respite Conference Call for Presentations

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Instructions for Completing the Application

Please complete this form to submit your proposal to present a breakout session at the conference. The deadline for submission is October 1, 2024. If you need help completing the form, please contact ARCH at info@archrespite.org
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS. Please review the Call for Presentations with instructions before completing the online application.

DRAFT RESPONSES IN WORD. Prior to completing the online application, we suggest you review the instructions, which include the questions and word limits. It is highly recommended that you draft your responses in a WORD document, save to your computer, and then cut and paste the responses into the appropriate text boxes in the online application. 

SAVE YOUR RESPONSES. Be sure to check "Save my progress and resume later" at the top of the online form and register with an email address and a password.  This will allow you to save your responses and return later to resume and complete the application. 

HOW TO NAVIGATE BETWEEN PAGES IN THE APPLICATION.  You can return to any previous page to review and edit your responses at any time until you hit the "Confirm" button at the end of the application. To navigate between pages, use the "Previous Page" or "Next Page" buttons at the bottom of the page -- do NOT use the back or forward buttons on your browser. To navigate to a specific page, click on the page number in the top right hand corner of the form. 

SUBMISSION COPY.  Once you hit “Review Submission,” you will still have an opportunity to review and make corrections. Before you confirm your submission, you will be able to print a copy of your responses. Be sure to click "Confirm" when you are satisfied that your form is complete. You will receive a confirmation email with a copy of what you submitted after you complete the application and successfully submit it.    
Contact Details (of person completing the form) 

Select a title that is succinct, but entices conference participants to attend.

The session description should provide the substance of your presentation.
In this section, please include:
  1. Session Abstract: Purpose and overview of presentation
  2. Proposed Track
  3. Age ranges
  4. Population covered by presentation
  5. Summary for Conference Program

This is the heart of your proposal. Provide as much detail as possible without exceeding the 500 word limit. You should draft the text for this section and the ones that follow in a WORD document, spell check, and save to your own files before cutting and pasting in the application.

Please select the Lifespan Respite Track only if you are a current or former Lifespan Respite grantee or partner and your presentation describes activities that are part of a Lifespan Respite program or project.

List three specific learning objectives for the session. At the conclusion of the presentation, the attendees will:

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Presentation Logistics

In this section, please describe the teaching methods to be used, preferred room arrangements, and any additional AV needs. 
1) Teaching Methods. 

We encourage you to be creative in your presentation and provide an
 interactive learning experience. 

2) Room Arrangements

Breakout session rooms will be set up "theater" style to accommodate 35-75 participants with podium and presenters in front. We will not be able to guarantee a room arrangement, but we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

3) AV Needs

A PowerPoint package, which includes a podium, a laptop computer, LCD projector, cables and screen, will be provided for each breakout session. A podium microphone will be provided.  

We cannot guarantee that we will be able to supply additional AV needs. However, please indicate additional audio visual needs you may have and we will be in touch with you to explore options. Presenters will be responsible for costs associated with any additional equipment requested. If you require an accommodation to participate, you will not be charged for those accommodations.

Presenter Information

A maximum of three presenters per submission will be entitled to the presenter discount. Please provide contact information, title and bio for each presenter. Information for the lead presenter should be provided first. Every attempt will be made by conference organizers to communicate with all presenters in a group. However, we request that the lead presenter assume responsibility for ensuring that all co-presenters are notified of the submission's acceptance and any subsequent information relayed by conference organizers.

Regardless of the number of presenters indicated in a proposal, we retain the right to combine similar presentations in one session.

Please enter n/a if you are not affiliated with an agency or organization.


If not applicable, enter n/a or none.


Please enter n/a if you are not affiliated with an agency or organization.


If not applicable, enter n/a or none.


Please enter n/a if you are not affiliated with an agency or organization.


If not applicable, enter n/a or none.

Special Accommodations for Presenters

Vested Interest Declaration

NOTE: Having an interest in an organization or product that is featured in a presentation does not prevent a speaker from making that presentation, but the audience must be informed of this relationship prior to the start of the activity. 

Presenters recognize that they must follow all guidelines and criteria regarding vested interest. Any real or perceived conflict of interest for a presenter must be disclosed. For this purpose a real or apparent conflict of interest is defined as having a significant financial interest and/or having substantial research support by an industry to study the product discussed at the presentation. Vested interest could include owning stock or a personal relationship in the company.

Once you hit “Review Submission,” you will still have an opportunity to review and make corrections on the next page. Before you confirm your submission, you will be able to print a copy of your responses. Be sure to click "Confirm" on the next page to finalize submission.  You will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your submitted proposal.
We will make every effort to respond to all applications by December 1, 2024.  For more information, please contact Tracy Cieniewicz at Alabama Respite at tracyc@ucphuntsville.org or  you may contact ARCH at info@archrespite.org. 

We hope to see you in Huntsville next April! Thank you!