2025 - 2026 HBCU Week Scholarship Application

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Scholarship Eligibility
Yes No

*To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States.

To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be a current high school senior or current college student.

*If GPA is weighted, please convert your weighted GPA to unweighted. Seek high school counselor’s advice on how to convert unweighted GPA * REQUIRED PROOF OF GPA: YOUR MOST RECENT OFFICIAL SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT

To be eligible for the scholarship, you must have a 3.0 or higher.

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Student Information
Email Phone

Parent/Guardian Information
Applicant Status

High School Information
1 2 3 4
I will be attending the following school in Fall of 2025
I will be attending the following school in Fall of 2025
Statement of Financial Need

(200 word maximum)
HBCU Student Information

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Extracurricular School Activities Information
Please list activities, your role in the activity and the applicable dates. Click 'Add another extracurricular school activity' to enter each additional activity.

Letter of Recommendation
Please include one letter of recommendation from a trusted source who can highlight your passions and goals.
Organization Information
Please list organizations you are now active in or have previously been active, your role in the organization and the applicable dates. Click 'Add another organization' to enter each additional organization.

Community organizations include service, volunteer and religious groups,
Recognitions Information
Please list important awards and recognitions received and the applicable dates. Click 'Add another recognition' to enter each additional recognition.

Short Essay Questions

  1. The following items must be attached to this application in order to qualify for the review by the scholarship committee.
  2. Your application will be returned to you if these items are not attached; no exceptions.

*The Acceptance Letter can be submitted up until April 11, 2025.

*All other application materials must be submitted no later than February 17, 2025.

*This can be submitted up until April 11, 2024. *All other application materials must be submitted no later than February 16, 2024.

Based on the information you've provided, your counselor will receive an email asking them to provide your most recent transcript by February 17, 2025. It is recommended that you follow up with your counselor to make sure it is completed by that date.

Provide Counselors Information

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I have read and understand the criteria and requirements and agree to all. I understand that lack of fulfillment of these criteria may result in loss of the award.

As a condition of scholarship receipt, I give permission to HBCU Week Foundation to use my name, photos, video imagery, video audio, interview content and other materials about me for promotional, publicity, marketing, or organizational purposes.