Early Stage Commercialization Fund

Welcome to the Early Stage Commercialization Fund submission page! We're now open for submissions.

Fill out the fields below and upload your application and the CV of your principal investigator(s). 
To learn more about ESCF or to download the proposal form, click here.

The deadline is Monday, October 07, 2024, by 11:59 pm AT.

If you have questions or require assistance, please call Nathalia Florez Torres at 902.424.8670 or email 


Principal Researcher Information:

Invest Nova Scotia would like to understand the diversity of start-ups that apply to our acceleration programs, to help us improve our reach to all Nova Scotians. Your answers to the question below are voluntary and will not influence award decisions.    

ESCF Authorization Statement

I hereby submit this application for the Early Stage Commercialization Fund Program (the “Program”). I certify that I am the Principal Investigator of the project and that the information provided in this application and its attachments is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I confirm that I meet the Program eligibility rules as outlined in the competition guidelines, summarized as follows: applicants must be the Principal Investigator of the project, and a Nova Scotia university and college faculty member, or staff, clinician or researcher in a university-affiliated institution.

I authorize Invest Nova Scotia or its designate to make any enquiries of such persons, firms, corporations, and federal and provincial government agencies/departments required to collect and to share information with them, including business information and personal information as defined in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as Invest Nova Scotia deems necessary, in order to reach a decision on this application; to administer and monitor the implementation of the Activities; and to evaluate the results of the Activities and this Program after the Activities are completed. I acknowledge the requirements of the Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act (Nova Scotia) and authorize Invest Nova Scotia or its designate to provide any business or personal information deemed necessary to the Program Partners even if outside Canada. I hereby waive confidentiality of such information and agree that its collection and disclosure will not be the basis of any liability, claim or order against Invest Nova Scotia.

Should the application be successful, I hereby give Invest Nova Scotia permission to release my name and the assistance in any form and through any media for purposes of marketing this Program. By signing below, I consent to Invest Nova Scotia releasing my contact information to any third-party service providers retained for the purposes of evaluation of the Program. This consent is valid whether the application is successful or not. I agree to being contacted by any such third-party service provider and will cooperate with them in the collection of information for evaluation of the Program.

Annually, for two (2) years following the completion of the Activities under the Program, I shall participate in Invest Nova Scotia's corporate data collection process. Invest Nova Scotia may request data on the impact of the Program including, but not limited to, sales, cost reductions, productivity improvements, enhanced competitiveness, increased profits, improved product quality, payroll and other factors which Invest Nova Scotia considers relevant. Failure to participate in the data collection process within the given timeline may impact future funding or assistance and application eligibility with Invest Nova Scotia. I also understand that information completed in the businesses of diversity section of the application will be used by Invest Nova Scotia for the purposes of: (1) making businesses of diversity aware of Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) opportunities and programming available through Invest Nova Scotia and its partners, and (2) measuring the participation of businesses of diversity in Invest Nova Scotia export development programs and services. I hereby waive confidentiality of such information and agree that its collection and disclosure will not be the basis of any liability, claim or order against Invest Nova Scotia.

I agree to release Invest Nova Scotia and its staff from any claims, causes of action, suits, actions and liabilities of every nature and kind whatsoever arising from, as a result of or in any way related to the aforementioned authorized release of contact information, information in my business account record and subsequent collection and use of information. If I do not consent to the disclosure of contact information, I understand that I cannot participate in this application.