Evaluator Application - Part One

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We are a charity passionate about building a world where no child or young person becomes involved in violence. Our small part in this is to find what works and build a movement to put this knowledge into practice. Everything we do is intended to help us fulfil this mission. We're using our funding to build a consensus – from the grass-roots to the government – on what works best to support young people. We believe that every child deserves the very best research on what works and for everyone to get behind what will make the biggest difference.


Reducing violence is complicated. To make sure that children and young people keep safe, we have to make sure their needs are met. The aim is to build robust evidence, by funding projects which are ready to begin a large scale evaluation.


Please ensure you read through our application guidance before starting your application.  We have very clear eligibility criteria for this round, so please apply only if you have a proposal that fits with this. Thank you for everything you do for young people.

Please note, this form is for members of the YEF Evaluator Panel only, if you are a Delivery Organisation, or applying on behalf of a delivery/evaluator partnership, you should use this form to apply.

Completing the form

We're delighted that you are wish to apply for funding from the Youth Endowment Fund. To apply, you will first need to complete this form.

The Part One form is intended to give us an understanding of your organisation and the intervention or service you are suggesting that we evaluate.  If we find your proposal promising you will be asked to complete Part Two of the application form.


Please tell us as honestly as you can about what you propose to do. We are looking for your proposal to show us:

  • If successfully delivered, it would reduce offending outcomes, , or other outcomes linked to offending as specified in the guidance, for children and young people
  • You can reach the children we are most interested in working with in this call (see guidance)
  • You're likely to successfully deliver what you propose (not just write well about it)

There are a number of mandatory requirements within the form to which you must agree in order to be considered for YEF funding. Please note that these cannot be negotiated on.  You can see these ahead of time in the application guidance.

Please note; if you receive a 403 Forbidden Error on submission, this may be caused by the use of URLs in your response.  If so, please remove these and resubmit.   Links can be sent in an email to evaluation@youthendowmentfund.org.uk.


You can save your form at any time and return to it later.


Please do not use the Back or Forward button of your browser as this will result in any answer previously entered being lost. Use the in page navigation buttons.


We read and assess every single application received, and will respond to you within 10 working days. If we do not fund your proposal, it does not mean that we think you are doing a bad job. We are trying to find the very best proposals where we can conduct the very best evaluations to build a consensus on what works. Please refer to the guidance document for more information about when you can expect to hear from us and what the next steps will be.


We need the information in this form in order to consider your application for funding. Our applicant privacy notice has more information about how we use your personal data.

Thank you for all you do to keep young people safe.




Jon Yates


Executive Director, YEF                   

If you are not a member or have not begun the process of joining, then your application will not be considered. If you are in the process of joining the panel, you may submit an application but funding will not be approved until the process is complete

Applications from other organisations cannot be considered.

If you are part of a formal partnership with a single delivery organisation, then that organisation should submit the application via the Delivery Application form and you should not proceed with this application.  If you are proposing a multi-site trial then this should be led by the evaluator, and you should proceed with this form.

Select all that apply. Projects must be delivered in England and/or Wales. Projects delivered in Scotland or Northern Ireland cannot be funded.

Intervention or services outside of these sectors will not be considered.

Select as many as appropriate. Applications which do not expect to achieve at least one of these outcomes will not be considered.

The intervention must have: a strong and clear theory of change, a clear and consistent approach which means it could be picked up and delivered easily by others (i.e. it's formally or informally manualised), and a clear training and management approach for staff. You do not need to describe all of these in detail at this time.

Select as many as apply. Primary prevention programmes will not be funded.
9. What percentage of the children and young people receiving the intervention do you believe will; 

Note that you should only include participants who fit within the demographic described in question 9 and received an intervention which is largely or wholly the same as that which you are proposing here.

Interventions with no previous history of delivery will not be considered.

Interventions without any evidence of impact will not be considered.

We are not accepting proposals for feasibility studies or pilots without accompanying efficacy trials at this time.

Thank you

Many thanks for your time.  Click 'Review' to review your application, you must then press 'Confirm' to submit it.

You will be emailed a copy of your submission.  To save a copy at this point, click 'Print this page' on the Review page and save as a PDF.

Note: It may take several minutes to process, do not refresh your page until it has completed.  You will be redirected to the YEF website once it does.