We're delighted that you are wish to apply for funding
from the Youth Endowment Fund. To apply, you will first need to complete this form.
The Part One form is intended to give us an understanding of your organisation and the intervention or service you are suggesting that we evaluate. If we find your proposal promising you will be asked to complete Part Two of the application form.
Please tell us as honestly as you can about what you propose
to do. We are looking for your proposal to show us:
- If successfully delivered, it would reduce offending outcomes, , or other outcomes linked to offending as specified in the guidance, for children and young people
- You can reach the children we are most interested in working
with in this call (see guidance)
- You're likely to successfully deliver what you propose (not just write well about it)
There are a number of mandatory requirements within the form to which you must agree in order to be considered for YEF funding. Please note that these cannot be negotiated on. You can see these ahead of time in the application guidance.
You can save your form at any time and return to it later.
Please do not use the Back or Forward button of your browser
as this will result in any answer previously entered being lost. Use the in
page navigation buttons.
We read and
assess every single application received, and will respond to you within 10 working days. If we do not fund your proposal, it does not mean that
we think you are doing a bad job. We are trying to find the very best proposals
where we can conduct the very best evaluations to build a consensus on what
works. Please refer to the guidance document for more information about when
you can expect to hear from us and what the next steps will be.
We need the information in this form in order to consider
your application for funding. Our applicant privacy notice has more information about
how we use your personal data.
Thank you for all you do to keep young people safe.
Jon Yates
Executive Director, YEF