2025 Board Observer Program Expression of Interest
Organization Information
Name of Organization
Street Address
Zip Code
Please tell us how you would like the Foundation to describe your work to potential Observers. We
will use this description in the application that Board Observer candidates complete.
Community-Based Services
Court Systems/Judicial Selection
Criminal Justice Reform
Detainees' Rights
Disability Rights
Education Law
Elder Law (focusing on poverty law issues)
Environmental Justice
Family Law/Children's Rights
General Litigation
Gun Violence Issues
Healthcare Issues
HIV+/AIDS Issues
Housing and Homelessness Issues
Immigration Issues
Juvenile Justice
LGBTQIA+ Rights and Issues
Low-Wage and Immigrant Workers' Rights
Re-entry and Expungement
Service Dog Training
The Arts
Veterans' Law Issues
Women's Rights
If other, please describe your organization in a few words.
Size of Board
Where are board meetings usually held? (city, state)
Frequency of Meetings
When are board meetings usually held? (day and time)
If known, please list any conflicts with local law firms or other legal employers.
Statement of Interest
Please provide a separate statement describing your organization’s interest in participating in the Board Observer Program. You are encouraged to specify any particular skills that your organization might be looking for in an Observer, and to indicate any particular issues you would like the committee to keep in mind when recommending an applicant to be matched with your organization. Note: that there is no guarantee that your organization will be matched with any particular applicant.
Please upload a list of current Board members.
Please provide a general “job description” for a Board member.
Application Date
Number of Observers Requested
Organization Point Person for Contact Regarding Program (with Contact Information):
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Pronouns
Please select...
Pronouns (if other)
Preferred E-mail
E-mail Type
Preferred Phone
Phone Type
Board Mentor (Bio & Contact Information)
You are required to
assign a mentor for your Observer. Please attach a short biography and contact information for the individual who will serve as the Observer’s mentor. A mentor that sits on your Board is preferred, however, you may pair the observer with a staff member who attends Board meetings. If you do not know who your mentor will be, you can provide this information at a later date.
Mentor First Name
Mentor Last Name
Mentor Preferred Ponouns
Please select...
Mentor preferred pronouns (if other)
Mentor E-mail
E-mail Type
Mentor Phone Number
Phone Type
Please provide a bio for your selected Board Mentor.
How did you hear about the Board Observer Program?
Contact Information