We hope you find this form straightforward to complete. If you have any problems with completing it, please contact us on 020 7632 9060 or use the help link in the bottom left hand corner of this page which will take you to our email address (general@barrowcadbury.org.uk)
You can either type directly into the form or, if you prefer, you can cut and paste from another application such as Word. You can change the size of the text boxes in the form by dragging the bottom right hand corner.
You are strongly advised to save your form regularly. We suggest, as a minimum, that you save when you complete each page. To save your form, use the hyperlinks at the top and bottom of the form. You will be asked for a password and, once you've saved the form, you will be sent an email with a link to your form and a note of your password. We do not have access to your password, but if you forget what it is, you can reset it yourself or ask us to send you a new password.
Many of the fields in the form are compulsory. These are marked with a red asterisk. If you do not complete compulsory fields, you will not be able to submit your application to us.
Once you have completed the form, click on the "Submit" button. Your complete form will appear on the screen for you to review. Once you are happy with it, click the "Confirm" button. You will receive an email acknowledgement with a copy of your form once you have successfully submitted it.
After the closing date we will review all the applications and may ask you for additional information, including copies of your most recent annual accounts and your governing document (for example Articles of Association, Constitution or Rules). Please make sure they are up to date, we cannot fund organisations that do not have up to date accounts (unless this is your first year of operating) or governing document.
At Barrow Cadbury Trust, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. You can see the full text of our privacy policy on our website here.
As part of this application form, we collect information about you to enable us to contact you. We may use your information to:
· Contact you regarding your grant application and, if successful, any subsequent grant;
· Contact you regarding matters that are relevant to the Trust’s and your organisation’s mission;
· Send you communications which you have requested;
· Seek your views or comments on the services we provide;
· Notify you of changes to our services.
We will not sell or rent your information to third parties. Once grants have ended, information will be stored for historical and research purposes. Electronic information is stored on our database and paper copies are transferred to and managed by Archives and Collections at The Library of Birmingham. Full details of research access to archived materials can be found in our privacy policy here.
By submitting this application form, you agree to us using your personal information in this way.