Public Comment: Vendor Engagement Guidance & Transparency Template

Page 1 of 3: Vendor Engagement Guidance

Please use the form below to submit comments on Partnership on AI’s Vendor Engagement Guidance and Transparency Template. For background on this work, please see Protecting AI’s Essential Workers: Introducing our Vendor Engagement Guidance & Transparency Template
  • We have not outlined expected answers or the type of evidence that we would expect to be shared corresponding to each of the questions/discussion points in this document because there are a lot of different variations and models requiring thoughtful problem solving and we are wary of setting an arbitrary ceiling. How important would it be to include this additional information in a resource like this? If so, who would need to be involved to decide that information?   
  • Is this aligned with similar resources used in other supply chains? If not, how is it different?
  • What additional questions should be added?
  • How do we ensure that reliable information is being shared between actors in the supply chain?
  • How can and should this be integrated into existing supply chain/procurement practices?
  • Who would need to be involved to operationalize this resource internally at companies? What challenges might they face and what might be ways to resolve those challenges?
  • What additional context or information might need to be included to make this resource feasible to use by the intended actors (data enrichment procurers and vendors)?
  • What would be the impact on workers if this resource was regularly used by data enrichment procurers and vendors?
  • What would help actors in the ecosystem use this resource to hold each other accountable?

Page 2 of 3: Transparency Template

  • What additional questions should be added to this transparency template?  What information would be needed to enable greater accountability from civil society, workers and their representatives, and policymakers?
  • How is the type of content included in this template similar and/or different from what is reported on for other similar business functions or for other supply chains?
  • What would be required to incorporate these questions into companies’ existing reporting infrastructure? What are the key challenges that companies might face in incorporating this information into existing reports or model cards?
  • Who would need to be involved to operationalize the reporting of this type of content internally at companies? Which departments or functions would need to be involved? 
  • If the information was reported on regularly, how could this resource help other actors in the ecosystem hold companies accountable?

Page 3 of 3: Contact Info & Opt-Ins