2024-2025 Night Shelter - Emergency Shelter Application

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Referrals are currently closed for Men

Our shelters operate for around 22 weeks during the Winter months.

·   The shelters are in a different venue each day of the week and you will be provided with a map on entry. All venues are local to each other. 

·   You will be sharing a sleeping space with up to 34 other guests.

·   We provide you with a sleeping bag and mat on your first night for use on the floors of the halls. 

·   All guests must follow our golden rules to stay in the shelters, failure to do so will result in a loss of place. Golden rules include things like being respectful to others, and no alcohol or drugs in the service. Staff are available at all times.

·   You must attend every night (unless previously agreed with a member of staff) or your place will be taken by another guest.

·   The service opens at 7:15pm, and you must arrive by 8pm latest unless previously agreed with a manager.

·   A hot meal is served at 8pm, and breakfast is provided in the morning.  Everyone leaves the venue at 7am for the church to resume its normal activities.

·   You will be provided a map showing where the shelter is each night and a welcome pack that includes important information including local day centres where you can receive lunch, showers, and laundry services.

Map of all Glass Door shelter circuits

Example of a Night Shelter sleeping space

Data Protection Statement

Glass Door uses the contact information you provide on this form in order to offer you a place in our night shelter. Information will not be kept longer than is necessary and will be stored in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.  For more information please see our privacy policy on our website.

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Referrals are closed for Men. All guests are placed in-line with their gender identity. People who do not identify as a man or woman will be contacted to understand what spaces they are most comfortable in.

We will do our best to try to ensure we offer you your preferred option but please be aware that this may not always be possible.

You do not need to answer this question, it does not affect your referral; our services are open to all, irrespective of immigration status. Your answer will help us allocate the appropriate Caseworker to you.  

The animal has to be recognised as a service animal to be allowed in the shelter

This information will be used to contact you in the event we cannot contact the guest. Please only list your details if you are happy to be contacted for this purpose

Please let us know which area(s) you would be happy to go to for shelter. Rate the area in order of preference 1 being most wanted and 3 being least wanted. If you are happy to have shelter anywhere, please put 1 for every area. We will try to offer you a space in the area you want most but please remember that due to high demand this is not always possible.