European Media Leaders Climate Solutions Fellowship

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About the Fellowship
This 10-month fellowship will equip editorial leaders with the tools, knowledge, and support to become climate solutions journalism champions within their news organisations. By focusing on solutions journalism, fellows will learn to highlight actionable responses to climate challenges, driving a sense of collective empowerment and achieving positive change.
What fellows will receive
  • Expert learning and development opportunities: Comprehensive training in solutions journalism techniques, including a training-of-trainers component to help you spread these skills within and beyond your newsroom. We’ll introduce and explain SJN’s tools for measuring and increasing impact and engagement with affected communities.
  • Focus on climate reporting: Learn to apply solutions journalism to climate reporting, addressing pressing topics such as the transition to a greener economy, sustainable business practices, green finance, and the impact of policy changes.
  • Leadership development: We’ll help you build skills to drive editorial change and influence within your organisation.
  • Seed Funding: Up to €10,000 to implement a climate solutions reporting project tailored to your newsroom's needs.
  • Mentorship and networking: Support and guidance from peers and industry leaders to help you implement your learning in your news organisation.

  • In-person events: There will be two in-person events: a launch in Brussels on December 2-3, 2024, and a closing event in August-September 2025. Travel, meals, and accommodation will be provided.
  • Online sessions: Monthly online group sessions will be held, typically outside normal working hours.
  • Additional resources: Reading materials and videos will be provided.
  • Mentorship: Fellows will be paired with industry mentors to support their project development and implementation of a solutions approach in their newsroom. Contact will primarily be online.
  • Time Commitment: Participation requires several hours each month, with full engagement expected.
Who should apply?

We are seeking leaders who can drive change in their newsrooms. Ideal candidates are those in editorial or managerial roles—or those who can influence broader newsroom coverage. 

We’re especially keen to work with politics, business and finance desks that have historically covered private sector climate strategies, investments, finance and other related topics.

We are looking to create a diverse group of fellows with a broad range of backgrounds. We welcome applications from all types of news media, including print, broadcast, audio and online platforms, in any of the Council of Europe’s 46 member nations.

Key requirements
  • Position of influence: You should be able to shape climate coverage beyond your own reporting.
  • Organisational support: Your media organisation must support your participation and be committed to implementing and tracking the impact of solutions-based climate reporting.
  • Commitment to change: Candidates should be eager to engage audiences and communities with impactful, solutions-focused journalism.
  • English proficiency: While you won't need to produce content in English, the fellowship’s working language will be English.

The fellowship is fully funded, including travel and accommodation for in-person events. A grant of up to €10,000 will be made available to fellows to implement a project they will develop over the course of the programme.

Learn more

Join us online on Friday, September 20 at 1100 CET to find out more about the programme and answer any questions you may have. Register here.

You may also direct questions or check your eligibility with Fellowship Manager Kevin Burden at

Important dates
  • Application deadline: 23:00 CET on Sunday, October 6. Late applications will not be considered.
  • Interviews: Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed during the week of October 21.
  • Notification: All applicants will be informed of their application status by the end of October.
  • Programme start: November 2024 (online)
  • First in-person meeting: December 2-3, 2024, in Brussels (all expenses covered)
Contact Information

Additional Information Upload
Please upload at least one (1) of the following below:
  • CV/Resume
  • LinkedIn or other professional bio (url link)

News Outlet Information

Application Questions

We’d like to ask a few questions now about climate change in your country. They point towards the sort of issues that we are particularly interested in exploring during this project. Please think of these as prompts to tell us interesting issues that you might like to explore during your fellowship, rather than as exam questions with right or wrong answers. You don’t have to write more than a sentence or two for each question.

Thank you for your interest in this programme. We promise to let you know the outcome of your application by the end of October.

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