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Tell us about a time when you set a goal for yourself in school or another area of your life. How did you stay focused on achieving that goal?We suggest drafting this in a word doc, then copy and pasting here once it is finalized.
What drives you to pursue this opportunity to join the RTS Career Readiness Program, and what do you hope to achieve?
We suggest drafting this in a word doc, then copy and pasting here once it is finalized. Word Count Maximum: 500 words
Describe a time when you encountered a significant challenge in a class, project, or task. How did you approach solving the problem? Explain your thought process, the steps you took, and the outcome. We suggest drafting this in a word doc, then copy and pasting here once it is finalized. Word Count Maximum: 500 words
Our goal at RTS is to get you work and world ready. We do that by developing your career competencies, expanding your network, and building your experiences through:
*Please note: there is flexibility with the above items as long as you are transparent, honest, and communicative with your RTS advisor should you be admitted into the program.
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