Public Comment: Guidelines for Participatory and Inclusive AI

Please use the form below to submit comments on Partnership on AI’s Guidelines for Participatory and Inclusive AI. For background on this work, please check out our latest blog on Stakeholder Engagement for Responsible AI and our page on our Global Task Force for Inclusive AI. While we welcome all feedback, here are some outstanding questions we have identified that we are seeking input on:
  • How can the guidance and guardrails provided for each use case be more descriptive to enable users of this resource to take action and develop more inclusive stakeholder engagement strategies?
  • Are there any common use cases of stakeholder engagement that you have dealt with that should be included in the guidelines?
  • Are there additional significant harms to socially marginalized communities or individuals that should be discussed throughout this resource? 
  • How do you see these guidelines being applied to your work or experience with AI?
  • What format should the final resource take to ensure you can easily and frequently use it while navigating stakeholder engagement issues? How can we make this more useful for you and your work?

General Feedback

Use the space below to provide us with feedback on the overall draft guidance, including suggestions you have for improving the usability of the resource. You may also provide feedback specific to each section of the draft on the next pages.

Guidance and Guardrails

This section of the Guidance outlines guidance and guardrails to be attentive to when developing stakeholder engagement strategies and approaches, both in general and by common use cases. This section is motivated by the following questions:
  • What “things to do” principles (guidance) should be applied consistently across all situations?
  • What “things not to do” principles (guardrails) should be applied consistently across all situations?
  • What are the features of a community-centering stakeholder engagement approach?
  • What are the features of a community-harming stakeholder engagement approach?
You may view each section by clicking on the link provided before each text box.

Emerging Resources

This section of the Guidance provides an overview of emerging AI-enabled tools that could impact the implementation of stakeholder engagement. This section is motivated by the following questions:
  • What are the different AI-enabled tools?
  • What are the circumstances under which you can imagine this tool being useful or appropriate?
  • What about these tools are antithetical to the aims of stakeholder engagement? 
  • What concerns arise when considering the use of this tool?
  • How might these tools generate harm for socially marginalized people?
You may view each section by clicking on the link provided before each text box.

Additional Background

This section of the Guidance provides detailed background information about the purpose of the guidelines, the group of experts who contributed to the draft (Global Task Force for Inclusive AI), and how PAI and the Global Task Force understands the role of stakeholder engagement for AI.

You may view each section by clicking on the link provided before each text box.

Analytic Framework for Understanding AI Stakeholder Engagement Strategies

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