
Welcome to the City of Emeryville's 2024 Annual Monitoring online form.  We have created this online form which allows each household to submit the self-certification information and upload supporting documents online. Once you submit your self-certification information and documents, they will transfer into our client management system. Please be assured your information is treated as strictly confidential and is never shared beyond Hello Housing and the City of Emeryville.

If you have any questions or concerns about submitting this information, please email or call (415) 446-9235.

Hello Housing Team 

Self-Certification of Owner Occupancy

Please provide the requested information below, if you feel that this request has been made in error, please let us know by email or leaving a comment in the section provided at the end of this form. Return your completed form and attached documents by no later than November 4, 2024.

*Indicates a required field.
Step 1: Please provide your contact information

Co-Owner contact details

Step 2: Please answer the following questions  

Step 3: Upload documents

Homeowner Demographics

Hello Housing believes that fair and equal access to affordable housing opportunities is critical to supporting diverse communities where people thrive. To know how we are doing, we need to collect demographic information from our applicants, buyers and renters. And, we need to collect this information in a way that can be compared with other publicly-available information.  The format and choices of the following questions mirror how these questions are asked by the U.S. Census Bureau.  

Please be assured that this information is only used in the aggregate and is not used in any way to determine your household's eligibility for any program offering. By providing this information, you are helping us better understand the reach and impact of our programs in the communities we serve, which in turn leads to more effective affordable housing solutions.
Please provide your demographics

Primary Language
Your answers below help us make the program more accessible to applicants who speak different languages. Your answers will not be used in any way to determine your eligibility for this program.

Please provide your Co-Owner's demographics

Primary Language
Your answers below help us make the program more accessible to applicants who speak different languages. Your answers will not be used in any way to determine your eligibility for this program. 

Acknowledgement & Submit

When you hit the Submit button below, you should receive an email confirming your submission. If you do not receive an email, please reach out to