2024 Application

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We are accepting applications for groups, collectives, and organisations from the 5 regions where ONSIDE operates: Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia and the Pacific.

We are only accepting applications from individuals from the MENA region. If you apply as an individual for any other region, your application will be automatically disqualified.

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1.1 Contact Details for Organisation

Please only fill in this field if your preferred name is different than indicated above.

Please include country code.

According to the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

Please only fill in this field if your preferred name is different than indicated above.

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1.2 About the Organisation

If you are applying on behalf of an unregistered group or collective, please select the year your group started working.

1.3 Eligibility criteria

Both registered and unregistered organisations are eligible to apply.

Annual organisational income refers to the total amount of money your organisation receives in a typical year from all sources. This includes grants, donations, other sources of income, etc. When reporting your annual income, please refer to the most recent complete financial year available. If you need help converting your local currency into USD, you may try www.xe.com/currencyconverter/

Please select the option that best describes your organisation's alignment with the mission and vision of the Fund. Please note that later on in the application form you will be asked to explain how your organisation's work is aligned. VISION: All girls, women* and non-binary people exercise their right to play. MISSION: Drive a sustained feminist movement that re-imagines and transforms sport.

Please select the option that best describes the representation of girls, women, and/or non-binary persons in your organisation's leadership and decision-making.

The ONSIDE Fund recognises that feminism is understood differently across regions, countries, and communities, and there are multiple and diverse forms of feminism. We are also aware that, in some contexts, openly identifying as feminist might pose a risk to the safety of girls, women, and/or non-binary people. For these reasons, we ask applicants to focus on their own definition of feminism, including the principles and practices that guide their work, and how it is informed by the contexts and communities they are part of and/or support.

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 1.4 Expression of interest for organisations

This can include your vision and mission, your values and principles, your main areas of work, the context/sectors you work in, your strategic priorities or any other information you consider relevant. Max. 300 words.

max 150 words

VISION: All girls, women* and non-binary people exercise their right to play.                                                 
MISSION: Drive a sustained feminist movement that re-imagines and transforms sport.

If the answer is yes, please briefly share more about your organisation's experience working at the intersection of gender justice, disabilities, and sport. Max. 100 words.

Please describe the contexts these groups or communities live in, the main challenges they face, your experience working with them, etc. Max. 150 words.

Please share briefly. Max. 50 words.

The ONSIDE Fund defines sport broadly to include all forms of physical movement and play-based activities, both competitive and recreational, that promote enjoyment, self and collective care, and physical and mental well-being.

Parasports are sports played by people with a disability, including physical disabilities, deafness, blindness, intellectual disabilities, chronic pain and/or chronic illness. Some parasports are forms of adapted physical activities from existing sports played by able bodied individuals, while others have been specifically created for persons with a disability (PwD) and do not have a non-disabled equivalent (e.g. club throw).
 Max. 3 options.

Please select your organisation's main thematic area of work.

Please select up to 3 other thematic areas of work besides the main one indicated above.

Organisations can apply up to 10,000 USD.

max 150 words

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1.5 Organisational leadership and decision-making

List all people in main leadership positions in your organisation. This excludes board members. You should list at least 3 and up to 5 people. Name / Gender / Role  / Age

Example: If your organisation works primarily with indigenous communities, please indicate if indigenous people are represented in your organisation's leadership and/or if they are actively involved in leadership and decision-making. Please briefly explain your answer. Max. 100 words.

1.6 Social media and communications

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1.1 Contact Details for Individual

Please only fill in this field if your preferred name is different than indicated above.

According to the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

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1.2 Eligibility Criteria

Please select the option that best describes your organisation's alignment with the mission and vision of the Fund. Please note that later on in the application form you will be asked to explain how your organisation's work is aligned. VISION: All girls, women* and non-binary people exercise their right to play. MISSION: Drive a sustained feminist movement that re-imagines and transforms sport.

The ONSIDE Fund recognises that feminism is understood differently across regions, countries, and communities, and there are multiple and diverse forms of feminism. We are also aware that, in some contexts, openly identifying as feminist might pose a risk to the safety of girls, women, and/or non-binary people. For these reasons, we ask applicants to focus on their own definition of feminism, including the principles and practices that guide their work, and how it is informed by the contexts and communities they are part of and/or support.

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 1.3 Expression of interest for individuals

This can include your vision and mission, your values and principles, your main areas of work, the context/sectors you work in, your strategic priorities or any other information you consider relevant. Max. 300 words.

max 150 words

VISION: All girls, women* and non-binary people exercise their right to play.                                                 
MISSION: Drive a sustained feminist movement that re-imagines and transforms sport.

If the answer is yes, please briefly share more about your organisation's experience working at the intersection of gender justice, disabilities, and sport. Max. 100 words.

Please describe the contexts these groups or communities live in, the main challenges they face, your experience working with them, etc. Max. 150 words.

Please share briefly. Max. 50 words.

The ONSIDE Fund defines sport broadly to include all forms of physical movement and play-based activities, both competitive and recreational, that promote enjoyment, self and collective care, and physical and mental well-being.

Parasports are sports played by people with a disability, including physical disabilities, deafness, blindness, intellectual disabilities, chronic pain and/or chronic illness. Some parasports are forms of adapted physical activities from existing sports played by able bodied individuals, while others have been specifically created for persons with a disability (PwD) and do not have a non-disabled equivalent (e.g. club throw).
 Max. 3 options.

Please select your organisation's main thematic area of work.

Please select up to 3 other thematic areas of work besides the main one indicated above.

Individuals can apply up to 5,000 USD.

max 150 words
1.4 Leadership and Decision-Making

Max. 150 words

Example: If you work primarily with indigenous communities, please indicate if indigenous people are actively involved in leadership and decision-making in your work. Please briefly explain your answer. Max. 100 words.

Max. 100 words.
1.6 Social media and communications