What is the Organization Accelerator: The Organization Accelerator is a two-year partnership between State Policy Network and an affiliate think tank designed to help the organization achieve growth and significant policy wins. This competitive program provides affiliate think tanks with targeted assistance in strategy, fundraising, communications, government affairs, capacity building, and more. Apply for the Organization Accelerator and transform your think tank into a powerhouse of influence and impact. 

*** The Organization Accelerator is not a grant program
What SPN is looking for? 

SPN affiliates that have identified a major strategic opportunity in their state 

SPN affiliates with a desire to grow their organization’s impact and capacity to achieve change 

SPN affiliates with a track record of strategic acumen and policy wins 

SPN affiliates with staff capacity in communications, development, and government affairs. 

The Organization Accelerator targets SPN services to the areas of the highest leverage for affiliate think tanks. Please select and rank the following seven services that your organization could benefit from:   


Strategic Planning  

Durable Freedom Infrastructure Planning and Strategy  


Policy Change:   

Policy Working Groups  

Issue Campaign Planning  

Communications Strategy  

Market Research  



Development Planning and Strategy  

Fundraising Assessment  



Audience and Communications Strategy  

Branding and Organization Identity  

Polling and Focus Groups  

Board Development: 

Board Audit  

Board Training and Consulting  


Culture and Professional Development:

Organization Culture Assessment and Coaching  

Leadership Development Coaching (mostly for executives, but could include high-potential talent)  

Management and Professional Development Coaching/Consulting   



Tools and Technology  

Win Tracking  

Internal Process Improvements