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Lifespan Respite Washington logo featuring a tree with green leaves

Family Camps Voucher Application

Thank you for your interest!  

Riding the Crest of Change-Inclusive Family Camp Respite Retreats uses the term “family” broadly and understands that the term “family” can include people who are not formally related to each other (i.e., friend, neighbor, other).  

This camp is for families who have family members who identify as Black/African American, Hispanic, American Indian/Native-American/Alaska Native, Asian American, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian, or Two or more races.

Both camps have age limits on who can come to camp. Limits are based on camp policies, which are based on staffing and licensing requirements. 

Camp Beausite: Age 6 and above may attend camp
Camp Stand By Me: Age 7 and above may attend camp

Please fill out as much of the form below as you are able to. All questions that have asterisks (*) are required. Questions about demographics are asked for two main reasons. The first is to best let the camps know about you and your family to ensure the best customer service and support as possible. The second is for our funding requirements. If you prefer not to answer, please select prefer not to answer on the required questions. 

If you have any questions, please email getrespite@wapave.org.   
Eligibility and Need

You and your family must live in Washington State to qualify for this family camp voucher. 

This family camp voucher is only for families of, and persons with I/DD.
Camps Available

Caregiver Information

Information about the person with I/DD


For the person receiving care

Family Member Information
Camp space will be limited. Please know we may not be able to accommodate everyone in your family who may want to come.

  1. I have reviewed my eligibility on the Lifespan Respite Washington website also available at this link: https://www.lifespanrespitewa.org/family-camp-respite-retreats/, to understand how the Family Camp Respite Retreat voucher applies to my situation. I attest that all the information on this application is true and accurate. 
  2. If, during the application process, my eligibility changes, I understand our voucher may be given to another eligible family. 
  3. I understand that if our family must register for our desired camps in order for us to use our voucher. I understand that Lifespan/PAVE is unable to guarantee attendance at a camp as camp space is limited. 
  4. I authorize the exchange of information, including from this application, via common methods (phone, in person, postal mail, fax, email, data entry) among all relevant parties, including formal respite programs to verify, coordinate, and deliver services on behalf of our family and myself.

Indemnification. By selecting the identified camps of his/her own free will, the person applying for this family camp voucher, and their attending family members, shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless PAVE and Lifespan Respite Washington, the State of Washington, the United States Government and the Respite Provider Agency (camp) from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, liabilities, and judgments, including attorney’s fees and claims for bodily injury or death, arising from services rendered or for facilities provided with the operation of the LRW Voucher Program.

If you have additional questions contact getrespite@wapave.org.