EDF’s Member Services will help you with your questions or requests. We are available Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm Eastern time. Please complete this form and we will get back to you within two business days.
Contact Information
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I have an estate or gift planning question
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My listed name appears incorrectly
I’m receiving duplicate mailings
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For HR questions and/or requests, submit a request through the
Contact Human Resources form
Inquiry Details
Type of Gift Planning or Estate Question
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I would like to speak to an EDF gift planning expert
I have included EDF in my will, trust, or other long term financial plans
I am an estate executor or Trustee, I am reaching out to inform your organization of a bequest
I have a question about the Osprey Legacy Society
What would you like to discuss with a EDF gift planning expert?
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EDF Contact Us Form
EDFAction Contact Us Form