is the Unite Foundation Scholarship?
The scholarship gives care leaver/experienced and estranged students a free
ensuite student bedroom in a purpose built accommodation building for a maximum
of 3 years of your university life. No rent, no bills; 365 days a year for up
to 3 years of eligible study.
What are my chances of receiving a scholarship?
In 2025/26 there are 70 Unite Foundation Scholarships available.
the 2024/25 cycle we received 413 eligible applications and awarded 96 scholarships. Therefore, 23% of eligible applications were successful. We
are always oversubscribed and are not able to accurately predict the number of
eligible applications we will receive. An application therefore represents a
chance, not a guarantee, of a scholarship.
Do not rely on the Unite Foundation Scholarship for your 2025/26 accommodation provision as sadly we cannot award all eligible applications.
– June 2025
students confirm their first choice university via UCAS. Scholarship
applications can be completed, evidenced, and submitted. Each
university will need time to review your application and support you if you
have any queries. You must submit a complete and properly evidenced application before
midnight, 13th June.
20th June 2025 Midday
for applications to have been approved by universities.
Thursday 3d July 2025, 3pm onwards
of awards and reserve list detail communicated directly to student applicants
and university partners.
is eligible for a Unite Foundation scholarship?
Please read the descriptions below very carefully to see if you meet the
principal scheme criteria of care leaver, care experienced (Scotland) OR
estranged. If you are unsure of your eligibility or the evidence documentation
needed, please get in touch with your current or firm choice university. They
will be able to offer help with this application or give you advice on other
avenues of support to pursue. Contact Unite Foundation on
info@unitefoundation.org.uk if you’re not sure who to speak to.
note we do not provide scholarships for postgraduate courses or students
undertaking or restarting their second undergraduate degree.
Foundation adopts the same definitions that the different national governments
use so that we can understand and communicate our impact in the same policy
Experienced (Scotland) (please click here for an example of
suitable evidence)
The Scottish authorities define a care experienced
student as being aged 16 years or over but under 26 and having, at any time in
their lives, been looked after by a Local Authority.
Share your SAAS letter confirming your Care
Experience Bursary or alternatively provide an LA letter. Please
ensure your LA letter explicitly states ‘looked after’, ‘care
experienced’ or ‘care leaver’ – if you are unsure, please send this
application guidance to your LA for assistance or again discuss with your
University contact.
Statutory Care Leaver (NI, Wales, England) (please click here for an example of
suitable evidence)
Leaver is a legal status that can begin at age 16 and lasts until 25 if in
Higher Education. There are several different categories of Care Leaver
but all legal definitions are eligible for the Unite Foundation Scholarship
your Local Authority for a letter on headed paper confirming that you are a
statutory care leaver; ideally stating which category you fall into, i.e.
Relevant, Former Relevant, Eligible or Qualifying. Ask them to include in this
letter the support they will provide for you whilst you are at university.
Estranged from family (please click here for an example of
suitable evidence)
you are estranged from both of your biological parents, adoptive
parents, or only living parent, you may be eligible to apply for the Unite
Foundation Scholarship Scheme as an estranged student. Student
Finance (SFE, SFNI, SFW) or Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS),
considers you an independent student on the basis of being estranged from your
parents if you are permanently not in contact with your parents. Please note,
you are not eligible to apply if you have been assessed as an independent
student due to self-funding as a result of bereavement, marriage etc.
For guidance on how to prove estrangement to
Student Finance England, visit the SFE page
for Northern Ireland, visit the SFNI enquiries
page, for Wales, visit the SFW page and for the SAAS in Scotland, visit the SAAS page
Ask your student finance/award office for a
document on headed paper stating that you have been assessed as
an independent student on the basis of irreconcilable parental
If you are unable to provide a supporting document
for estrangement as it has not yet been decided, please enclose the application
and supporting documents that you have submitted to Student Finance to apply
for independent status as an estranged young person.
You must provide
evidence of successful application outcome before 29th August
2025 if successfully awarded scholarship.
eligibility criteria
In addition to care or estranged status applicants must also
meet all of the following criteria:
- Aged 25 or under on 1st September 2025 and
- Undertaking first attempt at, and only, course
of undergraduate study and
- NOT undertaking Foundation or Masters level
study in year beginning September 2025
- Studying at, or holding a firm choice offer
from, a Unite Foundation partner university and
- UK home fee status student, i.e. not an
international student and
- In receipt of, or applying for, tuition fee and
maintenance loans via Student Finance reflecting care leaver/care
experienced/estranged student status for the full duration of your course (or NHS funding).
S Students undertaking a Foundation year in 2025/26 are NOT eligible to
apply for this current application cycle but should consider application in
S Students that have had previous study at undergraduate level are not
eligible. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please email info@unitefoundation.org.uk
W Which universities are part of the
2025/26 network?
In order to apply and
be eligible for a Unite Foundation Scholarship from 2025/26 onwards you must be
attending one of the following universities (you must be studying/planning
to study at the partner University campus and not a different
location/branch/franchise or awarding body University) If you are unsure,
please contact the Unite Foundation via info@unitefoundation.org.uk
+ Aston University
+ Bath Spa University
+ Bournemouth University
+ De Montfort University
+ Edinburgh Napier University
+ Glasgow Caledonian University
+ King’s College London
+ Leeds Beckett University
+ Liverpool John Moores University
+ London Metropolitan University
+ Manchester Metropolitan University
+ Queen Mary University of London
+ Robert Gordon University
+ Sheffield Hallam University
+ University of Bristol
+ University College London
+ University of Edinburgh
+ University of Portsmouth
+ University of Salford
+ University of Sheffield
+ University of Strathclyde
+ University of the West of
+ University of Westminster
are the scholarship awards decided?
The Unite Foundation Scholarship Scheme is not able to provide awards for every
eligible young person and applies scheme priorities to decide how awards are
allocated each year. These priorities are to:
+ balance scholarships between estranged
and care leaver students
+ reflect a range of academic ability
and course choice
+ balance scholarships throughout the
partner university network
This means that an eligible application offers a chance and not a guarantee of
a scholarship award. No single scheme priority carries greater weight than
another and applicants cannot influence the outcome of the award in any way. If
your eligible application is unsuccessful initially, you will be put on the
reserve list and can go through the adjustment and clearing process.