Leslie Shuman Kramer z”l was a transformational leader for the Buffalo Jewish Federation. In her decades of living and leading across Jewish Buffalo, the impact she made on individuals, our community’s culture, and its institutions was profound. Leslie’s influence was both far reaching & accessible and nuanced & specific. She had the ability to look at community and issues of Jewish peoplehood from a strategic 10,000 ft perch and in the same moment drill down to the granular level. Regardless of her purview, Leslie was always present. Hineni, she would say, here I am: to help, to listen, to lead, to play my part.  

The Kramer and Shuman families have established the new KOLOT Fund in Leslie’s memory. The income from this fund will be used by the Federation to honor Leslie’s lifetime of impact and her extraordinary leadership to continue her legacy of amplifying women’s voices.

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