2025 Washington State Nonprofit Conference - Workshop Proposal

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The Washington State Nonprofit Conference brings together nonprofit leaders to learn, connect, and inspire action. Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA) manages the Conference with the support of many partners, advisors, and sponsors. We will come together through a unique experience of online and in-person learning opportunities.

  • Virtual Conference Days: May 13-14 will offer a variety of live online content including dynamic keynote speakers, action focused workshops, a virtual exhibitor center, and more!

  • Regional Conference Days: The online programming is accompanied by two regional conference locations in Spokane (May 16) and Tacoma (May 20) that will create vital spaces for in-person connection, knowledge sharing, and celebration.

The 2025 Washington State Nonprofit Conference theme is Ready for Action. As we think about the theme, actions can be small or large, visible to many or meant for oneself, or taken on by an individual, team, organization, or community. Purposeful actions move nonprofits towards mission achievement. While coordinated, intentional actions can elevate and advance the whole nonprofit sector.

Actions are engaging, and can spark movements, excite donors, and lead to positive change. Actions can also have unintended consequences that need examination.

What actions do nonprofit leaders and organizations need to be ready to take? What resources are needed to support our readiness to act? How do we know our actions are successful? How do we celebrate when our actions achieve their aim?


The Conference serves both new and seasoned nonprofit leaders including staff, board members, and volunteers from across Washington State. The following values guide the Conference: 


  • Stories from the field: Learning from the lived experiences of nonprofit leaders across Washington State. We are committed to hearing from practitioners and providing more opportunities for attendees to learn from each other and problem-solve together. 

  • Increasing equity: Building commitment to and action for equity within our organizations and our communities. 

  • Staying current: Opportunities to engage with current events and strategies for leading in uncertain times. 


We invite you to put forward the topic and approach you feel nonprofits most need to connect with to help attendees leave the Conference Ready for Action! We are particularly interested in hearing voices from across Washington. If you are a consultant, we encourage you to include the voices of nonprofit staff or other practitioners in your presentation.


Deadline for proposal submissions is Wednesday, January 22, 2025, no later than 11:59PM Pacific Time.


Please contact us at learning@nonprofitwa.org or (855) 299-2922 x 102 if you have any questions. We're here to help.

Who is presenting? (Click "add another response" to add co-presenters.)

We will contact you by email or phone at the contact information you provide in this section. Please ensure you provide contact information that you check regularly.

200 words or less, please

 If your proposal is selected, you will have the option to update your biography and photo for the conference site.

Presenting Experience

Please tell us more about yourself.
As Nonprofit Association of Washington works to hold ourselves accountable to communities of color, rural communities, and others who are marginalized, we request demographic information on presenters and participants to help us understand where we are making progress and where we still need work. We appreciate your consideration in sharing this information with us.

What are you presenting?

Do you have a great workshop idea for the Conference?

Please tell us your idea. To help you think about how to frame your idea and length, please see the samples of workshop descriptions below. These came from past conferences and have been edited from original proposals. It is fine to include more information at this stage of the process.

200 characters or less

We want to know what people will leave with after attending your presentation. Examples: "You will leave ready to define to others what success looks like for your organization;" or "You will be able to identify one way your organization can be more sustainable."

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Storytelling to Build Relationships

Presenter, Organization


Workshop Description: Everyone wants to engage their staff, boards and donors. We all search for ways to bring people together into a shared vision and entice them into action. Personal stories used in a business context can be a powerful tool to build relationships and motivate people to act. Learn how your stories can engage your constituencies and practice structures and presentation techniques to make you a more dynamic leader.


Intended Audience: Anyone who is in a position of leadership or management who wants to create a more compelling message. New leaders, emerging leaders.



How to Craft a Winning Online Fundraising Plan

Presenter, Organization


Workshop Description: The online fundraising landscape is constantly evolving. While engagement strategies and donation processes may change, online giving is here to stay. Come explore the essential elements of an online fundraising plan. Learn how to create or update your existing plan and incorporate it into your annual giving strategy. Topics will include donation pages, metrics, social media, email, mobile, and more. Walk through each aspect of an effective plan while you assess your own fundraising efforts.


Intended Audience: Experienced nonprofit staff and development leaders interested in advancing your digital fundraising efforts.



When Your Normal is My Trigger: Working Successfully Across Multiple Generations in the Workplace and the Link to White Privilege

Presenter 1 & Presenter 2, Organizations


Workshop Description: Your organization, board, volunteers, and funders represent a wide diversity of generations working together. Leading in today’s workplace means we must improve at attracting, motivating, retaining, and refereeing across differences. Using the backdrop of Generational Understanding and Predictable Triggers, we will re-frame communication across differences. We will also engage in actionable conversations across other lines of difference, such as privilege and systemic racism. 


Intended Audience: Experienced leaders in any position and from any sector.
Intended audience

Select as many as apply.

How does this topic fit into the Conference theme?

How will you engage with learners?

Please provide details on your expected strategy. For example, if using breakout rooms, how many in each group? What type of tech support will you need and what tools or platforms do you plan to use and how?

How will you support learning in the interactive components, such as breakout spaces?