[Registration] December Climate Education Community Call

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[Registration] December Climate Education Community Call

In this call, the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) will lead an empowering Project-Based Learning (PBL) Workshop designed to help educators integrate climate education into their classrooms. Together, we will explore how to use PBL to engage students in real-world climate issues through hands-on, collaborative learning.

Participants will also dive into the Eco-Schools Seven-Step Methodology, discovering how to guide students in creating meaningful, student-driven projects that foster sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Stay tuned here for the schedule of monthly calls (including the meeting themes, proposed agenda and learning questions) and for recordings of past community calls. For regular updates please feel free to join the Climate Education Community WhatsApp group. This call will take place on December 12th at 2:00pm GMT.

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Select the first year you were a participant/fellow.

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