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Practical Radicals: Seven Strategies to Change the World

Would you like to change the world from the way it is to the way it could be?

We invite you to learn how to become a Practical Radical by joining our Chum book study and discussion group, reading Practical Radicals: Seven Strategies to Change the World, by Deepak Bhargava and Stephanie Luce.

Participants are expected to have read the material prior to our meetings, about 30-40 pages each week. Each session will be in the range of 90 minutes to 2 hours, and will be offered on Tuesdays with day or evening options. Please register below to indicate which session you would like to attend and to let me know if you need a copy of the text. It only comes in hardcover, and I can get a bulk discount ordering them locally from Zenith Bookstore if I have your request no later than January 15th. Cost of the book is $25, and it will be available to you at the first meeting. Plan to bring $25 in cash or check (made out to Chum) to the first meeting to receive your copy.

Sessions will be led by Rev. Larry Johnson, who has previously offered this as a class through University for Seniors.

Parking Instructions: 

St. Paul's: Park in the lot on Graysolon and use the lower level entrance. Ring the bell by the inner door to get buzzed in.

First Lutheran: Park in the lot on Superior St and use the canopied door in the center of the building. Someone will wait by this door to admit you.