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Join Washington Trails Association and Wenatchee River Institute on January 21 for a free winter hiking safety workshop, hosted at the Red Barn at 347 Division St. in Leavenworth from 7–8:30 p.m. 

Refresh your knowledge of how to pack your daypack for winter conditions, prepare for a long day in the snow, take precautions against common hazards, and find winter trails close to you. 

Bring your packed winter daypack for an interactive discussion about what to bring for a winter day trip and favorite tips and tricks to stay warm. We’ll also learn from local Search and Rescue volunteers who will share common situations hikers encounter in the winter and how to prepare for them.

View of the Enchantments on the way up to Windy Knob - Photo credit rbs13

The Red Barn is located at 347 Division St. in Leavenworth.

Remember to bring your packed winter daypack - we’ll be going through a guided pack workshop and we’ll have the opportunity to discuss our favorite gear hacks and items that we take on trail, along with learning how much of your regular kit compares to the essentials. This is meant to be both informative and collaborative - we can learn from each other.