Spring 2025: Ivey Business School Case Competition

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Ivey High School Case Competitions, hosted across Canada in Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, and London, Ontario!

This year, we are excited to invite students between Grades 10 to 12, from around the world to apply to this event. Successful applicants will be notified via email.

Key Information & Dates:

  •  Application Deadline: Please apply by Friday, February 28th at 11:59PM (EST).
  •  Notification of Acceptance: All applicants will hear back about the status of their application in March.
  •  Competition Day: Competition is a full day, in-person event running from approximately 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Final schedules will be sent via email.

Competition Dates & Locations:

  •  Vancouver, British Columbia at Mulgrave School (Saturday, April 5th, 2025)
  •  Montreal, Quebec at Selwyn House School (Saturday, April 5th, 2025)
  •  Calgary, Alberta at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School (Saturday, April 12th, 2025)
  •  London, Ontario at Ivey Business School (Saturday, May 3rd, 2025)

If you have any questions regarding the participation fee or any general inquiries, please email us at hba@ivey.ca.

Event Information


  1. This can only be retrieved after the campaign has been created in Salesforce.
  2. Go to the Campaigns tab in Salesforce. 
  3. Either using the dropdown filters, or by doing a search from the top search bar, find the campaign you are creating the application form for. Click on that campaign.
  4. On the Campaign page, go to the URL. You will see an alphanumeric ID ex. https://ivey.lightning.force.com/liightning/r/Capmpaign/7011Y000001vnuLQAQ/view
  5. Copy that ID.
  6. In the default value section of the left hand toolbar, replace the text "SALESFORCE CAMPAIGN ID HERE" with the ID you copied from Salesforce.



  1. After you have renamed this form and saved it as a new version, copy the 7 digit number at the end of the url in your browser and paste it into the default value field for this form. 
  2. Alternatively, you can right click on the little icon in the left hand column of this page that looks like a cloud with an arrow inside and open that in a new tab. In the top section of the page that opens, there will be the public link to the form which will have the 7 digit number you need to use at the end of that link. 
  3. This is also the number you will use to paste into Umbraco for the iveyacademy.ca website to be able to link to the proper form for registrants to access.
Case Competition Application Form
Personal Information

Case Competition Location

Please note, we will do our best to honour your first choice.
Case Competition Application

Acknowledgement Section
I acknowledge the following:

  • It is my responsibility to regularly check my email for updates, accept my offer within the given timeframe and pay the participation fee before the deadline.
  • I understand that if the necessary steps are not completed by the deadline, Ivey reserves the right to extend the opportunity to another student.
  • I understand there is a $50 participation fee that is required if I accept the offer to participate.