David's Refuge Couples Retreat at The Colgate Inn
First Name
Last Name
Significant Others First Name
Significant Others Last Name
County (Ex. Onondaga County)
By checking the box below, I am stating that I understand that if I register for this event and I am not able to attend, I must inform David's Refuge (we need at least 48 hours barring emergency) prior to the program. If I do not inform David's Refuge, I understand that my eligibility for future programs and services may be impacted. Please remember that David's Refuge pays per person for may of our programs and opportunities.
I understand the statement above
I understand that this is an in person event on March 21st - March 22nd. If selected to attend, I will be attending the event in its entirety.
I understand the statement above
Event participants will be selected at random and notified by mid February.
Contact Information