Compassionate Neighbours Referral Form 2025

Compassionate Neighbours
Compassionate Neighbours is free, community-led support for anyone who is lonely and/or socially isolated and is nearing the end of life through age or illness.  It is delivered by Garden House Hospice Care in Stevenage & North Herts.

Following referral, the person will be contacted and visited to assess their suitability and needs.  If they consent to receiving support from a Compassionate Neighbour, we will then seek to match them with a trained and supported person who will visit them regularly.
Referral Criteria
Please note our exclusion criteria:
  • Advanced Dementia (please refer to Garden House Hospice Care Admiral Nurse)
  • Substance abuse
  • Mental health issues
  • Severe Learning Difficulties
Does the person you are referring meet the following criteria?

Unfortunately, if they don't meet this criteria, we cannot accept their referral.

If they do not have one or more of the above criteria, we won't be able to accept this referral.

If they have not given their consent to be referred to Compassionate Neighbours, we cannot accept the referral.

Referral Form

Referrer Details

If your Organisation is not mentioned on this list, then please select "Other" and specify the name of your organisation

No spaces allowed

eg. Friend, Family Member
Details of the person who would like support

No spaces allowed

No spaces allowed

Enter date as DD/MM/YYYY or use the calendar

Please enter postcode with a space (eg SG6 1QU)


Additional Details

Next of Kin details

No spaces allowed

Enter date as DD/MM/YYYY or use the calendar
Please Note:
The Referrer will only be notified should a suitable match be unsuccessful or the person does not meet our criteria.

Thank you for your referral.  If there is anything else you would like to discuss, please contact the Compassionate Neighbours Team.

01462 679540 (option 8)